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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Ohh... so I know who you are now... nice to meet you
  2. Thanks bro for the link... This is kinda difficult to figure out "Rhodactis sanctithomae feeds on zooplankton and takes all kinds of protein rich foods offered. It prefers strong illumination, but should be oriented vertically on rocks or walls, not facing the light directly." If not facing directly... how to get strong illumination?
  3. Hi bro I ordered it from www.coralfanatics.com Including shipment... close to 2 blue notes actually (per polyp)... hopefully it will grow/spread fast Here's another pix... looking healthy... will wait a little longer for the colour to return
  4. Went GO today... still got quite a fair bit of Gems there... but no CNY mega sale
  5. Bro knowing you... 3 months... that's all it takes :whistle
  6. Went GO for lunch today... and end up "tabao" some food back to the office :eyebrow: Pipe Organ Coral... kinda common but the green is very intense Pix taken 15 mins after intro.
  7. Take more pix... and do show us your painful decom experience :heh:
  8. Bad news... found the RBTA moved slightly this morning... it is not mounted up-side-down on the bottom of the ledge (instead of sitting on the ledge) Hopefully it will not bulldoze any further
  9. It's quite small actually but thanks bro for the pointers... I fed it again just now before leaving office.
  10. Very nice Rics rock... so tempting
  11. According to www.liveaquaria.com if the RBTA doesn't get sufficient light, its tentacles will lose its bubbly form... perhaps my T5 tubes are not providing enough firepower But I do feed it with frozen mysis... so it shouldn't be starving
  12. Happy to share that my tank parameters are in check Sg: 1.025 pH: 8.0 (lighting peak) kH: 12 dkH (11.5 a week ago) NO2: 0 ppm (0.05 a week ago) NO3: 2 ppm (5 a week ago) PO4: 0.008 (0.015 2.5 weeks ago, before running FR) Mg: 1350 (will increase CR effluent) Ca: 410 (will increase CR effluent)
  13. Green Pearl Bubble is feeding mode... reacting to freeze-dried Cyclopeeze :eyebrow:
  14. This RBTA has been very "kwai"... stay in the intended zone for a few days already... but no Clownies in sight yet
  15. Really appreciate a bro for recommending this product that can help me fix my scratched glass http://www.glassscratchrepair.co.uk/how-use.htm Will print this out and bring to local DIY shop to look for similar products. If really cannot find, then I will order from this site.
  16. A somewhat common brownie (around $5 I think) can be quite stunning too Especially useful to achieve a balanced calming and natural scene
  17. Mid tank shot... like the composition so far... will try to look for another 1 or 2 pieces tomorrow... gonna look forward to tomorrow's lunch break :eyebrow:
  18. That piece on the top right is even nicer
  19. White on the outside... black on the inside :fear:
  20. Yes... there are many aspects and various approached in addressing this... what I've done so far is just the beginning... will slowly evolve to tackle/address more issues... afterall I still want this to be enjoyable and relaxing (as expected of any hobby)... I have not come across any report on LPS vs. SPS but I agree that keeping SPS will probably do less harm to the reef as they tend to grow a lot faster in nature. But I wouldn't keep SPS just becoz of this fact (that they grow faster) as we will end up consuming more in keeping them alive. Aqua-cultured is perhaps the correct direction to go... but so far... there aren't much choices or information out there to inform/educate reefers... perhaps once Indonesia stops exporting their corals so readily... we will seriously look at aqua-cultured LS.
  21. Nice Blasto... like the colour combo... bro those macroalgae... are they suppose to be there?
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