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About jervismun

  • Birthday 11/08/1976

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    Mohd. Sultan / Woodlands Ave 1

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  1. I’m interested in your green leather. See if you can sell more than 1 frag, or even a larger frag. I can drop by tonight if you’re ok. Thanks. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. hi keen in your sump. the price neg? i can pick up anytime :) 92300827..thx!

  3. Eheim Pro II External Canister Filter 2026 (without media) .................... $100.00 Dennerle PROFI 2000 Regulator + slim Dennerle CO2 tank (empty)................... $150.00 Dennerle CO2 Night Cut-off Valve Profi-line SOLENOID) ...................... $150.00 http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=913 CO2 Professional Set (3L) ..................... $100.00 http://www.mizuworld.com/product/detail/265 BOYU 2ft MH + T5HO Lightset ........................ $100.00 http://www.mizuworld.com/product/detail/185 ADA Cube Garden 60H (6mm) glass tank ........................ $150.00 http://www.mizuworld.com/product/detail/36 CADE 45mm Optiwhite glass tank ............................. $100.00
  4. Hi guys I have these 2 items to be sold together, cheaply as I am determined to clear them off my storeroom. SELLING PRICE....................... $250.00 ONLY!!! Condition: I have only used them for slightly more than 6 months. NO WARRANTY left though. Tunze Overflow Box: http://aquatic-store.co.uk/marine/view/1449 ELOS 400 Marine Sump (Complete with protein skimmer & etc.) http://elosusa.com/store/product/152/sump-400-marine-with-pump-and-ns-500
  5. Hi guys I have a beautiful ELOS Sump complete sump tank for sale ......................... $500.00 For more info: http://www.elosusa.com/store/product/152/sump-400-marine-with-pump-and-ns-500 Dimensions 19.25" x 16" x 16.75" (L x W x H ) Used in my previous 2ft marine project for 6 months only (bought it 1 1/2 years ago). Comes with: Everything that comes with the set plus some used Juwel sponges and bioballs. Self-collection at River Valley area.
  6. Selling price lowered to $600.00 GONNA LET GO THIS WEEK!!!
  7. Hi guys I have a 2 1/2 years old set for sale................ @ $650.00 (actual usage is around 1 year only) For more information: http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=182 Checklist: Aquarium Controller-Controller Unit – YES Temperature Sensor – YES Power unit with 6 sockets I/O standard UK – YES pH Interface – YES Redox Interface – YES Level or presence of water – YES pH Electrode – YES Redox Electrode – YES pH 7 Calibration solution – NO pH 10 Calibration solution – NO ORP Calibration Solution 240mV – NO Probes/Electrodes bracket x – YES
  8. Guys Not to kill the suspense... despite all the uncertainties... I still find it a show worth visiting Aquarama 2009 Photos Enjoy
  9. Hi guys Hoping to sell this reliable chiller at $850 (usual price $1388.00). Bought from Aquamarin, registered with Aquanautics (distributor). Absolutely problem-free!!! http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=52 Collection at Mohd. Sultan Road / Woodlands Ave 1
  10. Hi guys I have the above for sale. Bought it from Reefdepot October 2008. In very good condition, all pictures shot today after cleaning. Hologram sticker, with 6 months warranty left. JBJ solenoid + steel CO2 tank (green) with option to upgrade to aluminium tank. Enough unused Rowalith C+ to fill up the chamber with option for alternative media. Plug and Play!!! All you need is a pH controller SELLING PRICE ............................................. $650.00 Collection at Mohd. Sultan Road or Woodlands Ave 1
  11. Sorry guys for the disappointment... the rain wreaked all my plans!!! I am stuck in a cafe now Thanks bro for the fine words... I am still struggling to come up with an interesting concept for this revamp.
  12. Almost 2 weeks of recovering... the tank is ready to move to its next stage Will try to spice up the tank this weekend.
  13. Err... how about you wear a "Finding Nemo" body-hugging T and lie on top of his work desk... maybe he will let you have what you want... even pay for it :eyebrow:
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