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  1. hi jervismun, will try to get pic on the filtertation once i get my camera to work...the batt cant last long nowadays...btw thanks guys for the advice..
  2. hi reefers, read all ur comments, think i kana chop by big time liao..but nvm i will learn from the hard way.Now i just bought a powerhead to create extra water current...hope its helps. still thinking of putting a skimmer but hard to find the right 1.
  3. hi reefers, i got this tank at 900 inclusive of fishes, LR, everythings. But i had measure the actual lenght of my tank is actually 3ft plus x 40cm x 14cm....only inclusive of the frame its 5ft in lenght.. during the weekend, i had bought 1 shrimp and an algrea eater to start my cleaner grp. But once the shrimp got into the tank, its freeze!! next moment its death ?? did i do anything wrong? but lucky my algrea eater still fighting fit now... my next tgt is to get a skimmer, will get atlanis for advice..might go to the TM shop to seeseelooklook aso... ---P plate reefer
  4. sori reefers forgot to shrink the size of my pic....hope its didnt affect much..
  5. hi reefers, this is the 5ft tank i got it from atlantis...as can see its a very simple tank. would like to learn more from the senior reefers here. As now my Ph of water is stable, will be going down to farmway today to get some cleaner group ( prawns, hermi crab). But i had a problem..my tank cannot fit in a skimmer, its too small..do u reefers had any suggestion?...
  6. hey guys, thanks for the replies...will post the pic of my tank tis weekend.( the only time i can realli c my tank) quite bz these few days..but i had read up many many from those site some of the reefers provide..had realli learned alot.. way to go another forum!!
  7. hi oxnviolet, i totally new to it...i got the 5ft tank base on its outlook. Its those hang on wall type..with very thin width like a wall painting. Will read up more, just change the water in my tank, but its seem hard to get the pH of the water rite. jst read some of the forum on LR. how to tell is my LR still alive? i had taken them out n soak them in salt water for a day..n notice dead worms n fungus, r my LR still alive? any reefers can help? thx
  8. hi all reefers!! im new to marine fish...recently moved in to my new hdb at amk..wanted to have a nice fish tank to deco my empty wall. therefore i got a self-maintained 5 ft tank from atlantis from IMM.( later heard from my friend, atlanis not so gd).. after seeing my friend 3ft marine tank...i totally change my mind..its so amazing..compare to my dull marine tank with only few rock n fishes. i totally new to it..so need some reefer advice.. 1. how to have the water in the tank to be balance? 2. what r the steps to take? fish 1st or reef 1st? can so bros here help me on these..thks in advance....
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