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Everything posted by FionaFiona

  1. Are u selling ur bubble? if u do, can pm me the price?
  2. hmmm.... no one knows if yumas can frag a not?
  3. ah~ then i shall be hunting for a branching one! oh ya, can someone pm me the average pricing of bubble corals? 1) small and big frags how much? 2) BIG bubbles and small bubbles how much?
  4. One question: Can Bubble corals be fragged? Can I get a large specimen and then chop half? I planned to share the frags with my friend. Pls advise.
  5. pardon my ignoreance, but wats "DT"?
  6. saw some Yumas at a certain LSF recently. amazed by its color. 1) wat to feed yumas beside lights? 2) how to frag Yumas, and wat size minimum to frag? 3) will yumas split by themselves? if so, how big until they start to split?
  7. If u were to read the topic of the poll: "Prices of Tampines Mall B1 Fishshop". bro Elune is doing us a favor by gathering the views of reefers who have been to that shop (thus we are aware of its prices, thus qualify to vote). The poll gathered the votes of 34 reefers and of these, over 90% of the captured votes rated expensive and above. Elune's poll DID provided other choices "Competitive" (Neutral), "Affordable", and "Cheapest"; so I dun think this poll is flawed or one-sided. bro Firestarz also did shared his experience (shown in the 2nd post). Have you overlooked? bro Hammy said "marine is a bit off". bro jef also comment his experience with the TM shop. You should read up on his tank thread. he bought the $850 nano; look at the reactions that poured into his thread. So have you overlooked any of the comments? Wat makes u think that your very SINGLE experience (even though good) with that TM shop it suffice to say that the poll is flawed? That poll merely gathered votes. Thats 34 votes in total, which means its the views of 34 reefers against your ONE experience. What flaw is there when the poll provided equal voting choices? and each reefers is free to vote?
  8. yep, i agree. off-topic already. Stick to the NSW subject ya? Not the tank size got how much litres.
  9. the reason is simple: 4 feet tanks can have different height and widths. I can have a thin and shallow 6 feet tank and only 240 litres also. (think: 6feet x 0.5 feet x 1 feet .....) get the idea?
  10. I WILL GO FOR BOTH! xD Well, I agree that buying cleaner shrimps that is pregnant and carrying eggs is NOT a problem. I believe the shrimp died in your care. Is ur water parameters OK? Did u just dump the pregnant shrimp into the water without proper acclimatisation? Invertebrates are very sensitive to water parameters, and proper drip acclimisation of above 2 hrs is recommended. (note: floating water bag above the tank is NOT completely considered acclimatization).
  11. U can try Ah-bengs at Lor Halus. His place always have lotsa Electric Blue legged Hermit crabs. $5 a pc only! Alternatively, bro Elune mentioned before u can also find hermit crabs (and lotsa other interesting stuffs) if u comb the beach; he said bro Maxstar is the professional beach comber. He always has lotsa interesting finds. =) Good luck in finding a nice crab~
  12. White spots = ICH~!!! (at a certain stage of its life-cycle). Unless they're fine sand particles. Tangs are the most prone to contracting ich. Good luck to you. In a couple of days time, u will find that there're no more white spots. But actually they're just detached off the fish, and will return in an ever large number...
  13. Yep, bro colinsoon is rite to say that NSW comes with all the goodness (n badness as well) from the ocean (heard some reefers mention some LFS scoop waters off singapore coast, n i dun think singapore coast waters are nice...) which salt mix is unable to achieve. (+ 1point ; if confirm water is from Singapore coast, I will - 1point) He also mentioned its 500L ++ of waters in the case of ur 4feet tank(i dunno how u calculate, but its not the main point here).... thats like 500+ Kilograms hor~~~ and yes, 1 man show CAN kill u. ( - 1point) A reduced water cycling period is for sure, thats a plus point. (+ 1 point) Note that live-sands and liverocks that comes with all the nice nice bacterias will also aid in reducing the cycling period. Then again, why rush? Cycle longer = better. This hobby is abt patience. I never like impatient ppl. ^^ Another thing is that I ve measure the salinity of NSW (i buy NSW before) before. Not up to standard.... too low Salinity. ( - 1point) In the above case situation, you would still need to be buying packets of salt to mix water in order to achieve the desire level of water parameters. So in the case of relying totally on NSW is not desirable. ( - 1point). Going to the LSF to buy NSW every month (assuming u conduct 10-20% water change monthly) can be tedious; waste time, waste energy, waste petrol ( - 1point). Buying excess LSF to store (so u can save a trip next time) in undesireable becuz these NSW bages takes up lotsa space. ( - 1point) I asked Ah-beng before: " how long can these NSW be stored?". His reply was "a couple of days, but if u need to keep longer, u need to aerate the water with bubbles from an air pump." Meaning if kept for too long, bacterias inside will start to die off and the water becomes stale and useless. ( - 1 point). Total scoring = - 4points. Finally and analogically, if u are locked up in jail, do u want the prison warden to give u Natural Mountain Water (inclusive of good AND bad bacterias), or Water from Singapore's Taps (full of flouride and chloride) and passed thru DI/RO unit? hahaha =p
  14. Thats a lovely piece! Its that a GREEN bubble under actinic lights? or a white one? I like the green bubbles, but I dunno if the white ones look nice under actinic anot... Pls post more bubbles!!!
  15. oH~! Oh Finding Nemo~ ic ic.... why didnt i think of that? =p so paiseh~ So sorry, i seldom watch cartoons (i think i m too old for it) =p So it just didnt come across my mind just now. Yep, heard of this cartoon. perhaps i should go rent the Dvd or something. Cheers cheers... ^^
  16. huh? wat do u mean? find wat nemo? yellow tang?
  17. SO NICE~!!!! I'm gonna get someone to drive me down to get myself one! A green one! or maybe a white! oh~ i can't decide! Where's a place where i can get nice nice bubble corals? I want a small one only! around 3-4 inches wide only? bUbBle BuBbLe bUbBle~~
  18. probably splitting. keep us updated ya? can post a picture of it?
  19. Hi Guys, Anyone of u care to post pictures of your beautiful bubbles? Any exotic species? Special colors besides white and green? I love to see those luminous glow esp. under actinic!
  20. do bubble corals sting? like does it sting other corals? fishes? or even my hands?
  21. wow, long article provided by bro kueytoc... will read when i ve the time =p thanks!
  22. Awww, so sad.... it looked like ikan bilis... =p well, can i suggest that u pile liverocks high up there so that the fishies cannot swim until there? hope u can find a good solution soon!
  23. Sis Monki is rite~! There're at least 7-8 marine fish / equipment shops at Pasir Farmway 1/2/3. Check it out!
  24. Can a 55W PL light with around 6 hrs photoperiod be sufficient for its lighting needs?
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