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Everything posted by FionaFiona

  1. Netviper, can recognise this ric? Lyretail Anthias with Yellow Clown Checking the bubbly thing out! (took me a while to capture this) Thanks to my good friend who travelled across the country just to get me this! and thanks to bro Robin for selling it to me! pardon my poor lousy camera (I got the skill okie?! ) I took this with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-F1. (wow i m impress u took the above pictures with ur camera phone! which model u using? it really puts my digi-camera to shame!). All the best to your sale! Oh ya, my friend told me he saw your BT ( he calls it Dory, keke); he says its rather special, unlike the usual blue color. Mind posting a picture of ur BT?
  2. I want the yellow rics! at $60! Thanks! will arrange a friend to help pick up tonite! will pm you for details! 3. Yellow Florida rics (2 polyps - 1 of them abit stress, some got 2 mouths, size 50cts) - $60 ( i want this!)
  3. well, i guess like wat the brudders above mentioned - remove the bigger maroon into another holding tank first. let the little fella own the tank before intro the big girl in. Maxstar: the bigger clown is always the female. in a group of say 10 clown fishes. the biggest is the matriach while the rest are boys. once the matriach is removed, the next biggest boy turns female. i believe its true for maroons as well, but not 100% sure since maroons clown belong to a different family of fish. any one care to reinforce this point?
  4. IMO, could be 2 reasons : 1) its still feeling stress. Need to give it some time to get use. 2) if its still feeling stress, it could be becuz of the following reasons: a - u place it too in the open, the lighting is too glaring for ur coco worm? b - U have fishes that likes to 'Kah-jiao' the coco worm? c - u place it in such a way its a in a position facing u. (very common for many of us, since we wanna see the thing, just like we will have a tendency to tilt mushrooms to face the front so we can see it). when it sees us, it retracts back in? in such a case, maybe u can trying shifting it to another position where the lighting is more subtle with slight shadow and its not out facing the front (face sideways). post a pic for us? hope the shy creature comes out for you soon! Cocoworms are beautiful (but too expensive for me... ^^" )
  5. i'd like to know the price as well!
  6. pardon my ignore, wat can i do with an empty tank? any other uses?
  7. YEP, show the rics pictures too! i m interested as well. Do pm me the ric prices and the bubble prices ya? ( i need to know the size of the bubble).
  8. dun think there are any other methods. Just gently pluck them up in a couple of flips... pull a bit left, pull a bit right, it'll come off after a while. avoid ripping it up in a one-shot motion lah~ Just another question : Can I frag Yumas / F.Rics using the methods here? Anyone tried and succeeded?
  9. interested in ur bubble. is its the Big bubble specimen? can post pic and tell me how big they span when fully expanded?
  10. very rare sight of ur anemone shifting itself into the cave and ozzing out from both sides. looks like 2 anemones to me. ur GMC looks way~~ too red to be maroon. bro Elune says he suspect they're cyanide-caught. hope he's wrong. but the colors are really a nice-red.
  11. yep, i feel its brown algae / diatoms as well. Conduct water change. In the mean time, get turbo snails. they'll clean up the rocks efficiently!
  12. why are ur LR left on the floor dry? Are they currently still on the floor dry or soak back in water?
  13. I guess tha radio commercial really successful..... remember to post ur picture of the awesome 12 footer when its ready ya?
  14. anyone can tell me wat this is called? and where can i get this?
  15. Hi ppl , heard my friend said, he went to Yishun Central for his haircut. the barber kept a huge fish tank with a 30cm Shark in his shop. He also owns a golden retriever and another smaller dog (dunno the breed). He says the barber kept changing fishes everytime he goes there for haircut. sometimes its fishes, sometimes its turtle... but this time its a SHARK! The barbershoop name is "INITIAL CUT". Can someone staying near Yishun Central check it out and verify if its true? if possiblem come back with pcitures!
  16. 10 + mins is like freshwater (or a lower salinity water) dip. Hyposalinity CAN and SHOULD be conducted over a long period; gradually lowering the salinity of the 1.022-1.025 waters to 1.009 over a couple days. maintain in that state to ensure all ich dies off, the cycle is broken, etc.... then slowly raise the salinity back over the next few days. regarding that PBT, if u plan to takeover, transfer it to a temporary tank with the 1.009 waters, then slowly raise the salinity of the water to ur 1.022 (using ur own tank water ) over at least 3 days.
  17. u love sun corals too? heard bro Elune said bro hondaker has the "sun tank" - every specimen of sun corals are in there....
  18. hI, can pm me how much you selling this for? wat is the dmension of the inlet / outlet? I dunno if this can be fixed to my pump's outlet, so i need to know the size of the "mouth". anyways, where can u find this product and how much is the market rate for this? versus how much u selling for?
  19. Whole worm crawled out? Is it still crawling ? (alive?) If it is, it probably dislike the location that you place it at, and decide to "abandone" its shell. Its probably crawling its way to another hole it likes then starts to calcify another shell. If its dead.... then its dead... *blink blink*...
  20. Feeding ur blue tang with plant-type based foods (seaweeds / formula 2) or bamboo ... is heard to reduce its agression. the general rule is to make sure that ur blue tang (as well as all ur fishes) eat a variety of food. dun just feed them brine shrimp, get them mysis (well, its a little too big for ur little tang now rite?), seaweeds, bamboos, cyclopeeze. make sure they have a wide range of diet.
  21. This is what is stated behind my cyclopeeze bottle: This vacuum sealed can contains freeze-dried (lyophilized), whole, bio-engineered Cyclo-peeze. This product distinguishes itself as unique in containing the highest known level of foundational carotenoid pigments while manifesting the unprecedented concentrations of "omega-3" fatty acids. Documented, dramatic improvement in aquatic animal coloration, growth rate and disease resistance - can replace artemia." Its a bio-engineered nutritional organism; growth promoter, color enhancer, immuno-stimulant, artemia nauplii replacement. From my limited experience, none of my livestocks can resist the taste of cyclopeeze. its like a luxury food. I wun say its a complete food that can replace other foods like ocean nuitriton pellet, formula 1 0r 2, or mysis / brine shrimps..... but its always best to circulate ur types of feeds to the fishes so that they can achieve a wider range of diet, thus more healthy.
  22. i feel that prevention (of hair algae) is better than cure. I'd rather u focus on how to prevent the growth of these hair algaes then adding cleaning crews or fishes to eat them up. Read the postings from another similar thread by another reefer. one of the method is to reduce photoperiod.
  23. Thanks! Very enriching comment from u bro Fuel~!!!
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