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Everything posted by sky107line

  1. Hi, I'm letting go of my adult size sally light foot going at $9.00. Anyone interest can p.m me.
  2. Kindly let me know if you happen to see it anywhere else ok bro?
  3. Yup! You're right bro it's been banned already.However you still can purchase it in coral farm because they're the only importer in singapore that is certified by the ISO 9000 and come with a legal permit. Most of my L/R are from them and I was even been told by the Factory manager to keep all my Tonga L/R receipt that comes with a serial number just incase. Futhermore, they will not sell it to us if it's not been properly cured. Trust me you will be amaze by their quality of the life rock if there's a new shipment arrived. And the cost price will be much more higher than the normal rock, But ofcourse, You have to remember that you are buying a cure live rock and that is why it's slightly expensive. Well here goes the price for those who are interested: Tonga Rock : $18/ kg Fiji Rock : $15/ kg So, Happy shopping dude!
  4. You're absolutely right dude! By looking at your avatar I believe it can also change the water parameter to haywire No heart feeling bro.He..he.
  5. Upz for ur sales on till weekend.
  6. You sure about the price bro? Well, If the blue eye binotatus that you mention looks like this picture below......I will definitely cancel my chevron then.
  7. Bro, If the juvinile chevron tang can change their colour from spotted orange to dark brown that cost up to $170/-, Well I hope that your wild guess is right for this tang.
  8. Well if you want more exclusive Angel you got to have a deep pocket but this is for those lower range budget compairing on the non reef safe angel. As for me, I would rather have the pair of swallow tail Angel. Isn't it nice to see them in pair and lesser stress in your reef? And its rare kind of fish that that live in 40 feet below.
  9. Yup! I can garrantee it will nip your precious coral! Bro why don't look at my reply below on the swallow tail Angel. Happy reefing!
  10. Hi bro, Got some great news for you if you really wants an Angel fish to add to your reef had browse around the website and found the only angel that will not nip any coral in your reef! This has proven the whole world sciencetist that it can live with a reef tank. The cost price around $65-$70/- for juvinile and is good to have male and female in pair. Its a kinda peaceful creature that live 40 meter below. And need lot of currrent in your reef too. Well heres goes the picture of the male swallow tail Angel:
  11. Yo bro, I guess the C. binatatus that you mention is one of the expensive bristle tooth. But mine is the normal kind. Well here goes the picture below:
  12. Ha..ha. Well thats fast! Anyway had bought it at $18 take me two weeks to make it learn how to feed with pellet and eventually had become very greedy and has been around for 2 mth with me. Food wise no problem at all, Eat all kind of stuff like Ocean seaweed, Mysis shrimp, Formular one pellet, granu marine and brine shrimp. Pm me if need to view.
  13. Hi all, I'm looking for a male swallow tail angel. If anyone willing to sell it to me kindly pm me your price, location to view and set your date and time on the weekend .
  14. Thanks for your reply bro! The reason that I need to know is because currently my kole tang had started to attack on my algae blemmy after bought it for two days and the poor blemmy is a very hard working species. Just don't want to see if it will also attack the other same algae eater. Well about the QT I had done so, But still having the same problem though. Last resort may be might wanna let go the Kole tang and replace the Chevron. Any taker? just let me know k?
  15. Currently I have a Blue eye kole tang and now still pending to purchase the chevron tang. Need some advice whether is it ok to mix them together? Any expert here had any experience mixing them together?
  16. You're absolutely right bro! Forgot to mention the super ich!
  17. You better not bro! Had a bad experience before. It broke my heart by nipping two of my active & precious starfish that cost me $35/ already and it's also known as an super aggresive fish that I had ever own. So dude, Having an Angel fish in the reef tank? My answer is a no..no!
  18. Had seen the chiller is still in mint condition . Upz for sale bro.
  19. How about this Tang!! Red spotted Bristle Tooth other than this I strongly suggest a juvinile Chevron Tang. Price range around $80 to $90/-.
  20. Hooo!!! This 2 tang I believe is the most superfit, Superpower in colour and superfighter. No harm of trying for those who's having a deep pocket!
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