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Everything posted by monki

  1. Upon Bro Jervismun request, here is a front tank view as of now. Btw i had cleared the red algae, couldnt stand it liao.
  2. Oh yah, it is that same crab as per your avatar. For a moment, i really tot it is a turbo snail cos of the shell. U bought them from LFS like that or you provided that shell? I will have to look for new shell for my hermit. Its getting fat.
  3. hee hee u said correctly, i dun have calcium test kit. Neither do i hav phosphate test kit, hence i didnt answer your post earlier. I see no point in getting them since my tank so super small. To control, I always do regular water change, about 15% each time.
  4. Eh Bro colinsoon, By any chance your birthday coming soon? Ask your girl sponsor loh, maybe part of it...haha hope your girl dun see this post, she might flame me...u dun show her ah.
  5. Hi Bro Colinsoon, It is definitely not boring. I can never get tired of seeing photos of someone tank. All your sun so super nice. Makes me think about my own miserable 2 polyp of sun. Can imagine the amount of time you spend to bring them to their present state.
  6. Huh, that one is turbo snail leh.. or is it a hermit crab in disguise using snail shell?
  7. Aiyah, not so nice as before leh, only the top part have. The bottom is turning white liao.
  8. Yeah Bro Jervismun, you have sharp eyes. And also if you look more closely there is something pinkish besides the Zoo. That is a small snail.
  9. Erhm..ok there are 2 polyps. My previous post i said one cos i refer to that one and only which is open. The baby one seldom open. In fact there is another tiny one just starting to grow. Hope that in time to come, all will bloom.. The zoo are from reborn. Bought them 2 weeks ago.
  10. My one (really one as in one polyp not one bunch) and only sun after feeding time. Nowsdays it is more happy, opening more often.
  11. Ok notice the red algae besides the Zoo. Having a bloom now...seems like coming out just to match the zoo. As if trying to compete see who can be more 'red'.
  12. My first Zoo! Mixed - Red and Green Got free polyp on zoo too!
  13. Hi danlim, I encounter this problem b4. I also cant access SRC from home. How i solve is: 1) Check if you have macromedia flash player. If not go d/l 2) If cant d/l, most likely it is blocked. 3) To unblocked, open explorer to SRC, at the bottom right hand corner (beside the Internet globe icon) - you will find a yellow icon, double/right click it and unchecked the block. Hope this helps.
  14. Only to SRC Bros? Sis got a share or not?
  15. Wah, great modification! Now can use your nano as the 'model' reference and learn from you.
  16. Huh, 0.5cm turbo?? Turbo snail very cheap. A 3cm one, only $1
  17. The address of Rotor is Blk 808 French Road Level 2. (Lavendar). Come out of lift, right hand side, walk straight. Can go check this shop out, they have all sorts of RC from heli, aeroplane, kite to cars.
  18. Yes turbo snails are friendly to corals. And yes they are vegetarian, they only eat algae. My turbo died because my tank do not have algae for it. Thats the 1st and only death so far. So hardy and yet it is the first victim.
  19. Yah Jervismun, u always seems to notice when your fishes poo...kehe Either they poo a lot or you always stare at your tank a lot. Me seldom see them poo leh.
  20. Yup me too! You are not alone. I always stare at their cigarette butt end cos i so afraid the ash would somehow land in the tank water. I wont want get stuff from that tank if so happens. Oops
  21. Hi, Perhaps you could post a pic of your tank. It would be easier to give advise after looking at the tank and cabinet.
  22. The crab wont escape cos i cover the container. Anyway i will just keep it till it die of natural death loh. Yup will try to get cyclo or dahpnia if i still havent witness my goby eating in the next few days. But like what a few Bros say, a week already not dead so it should be eating. So at least i dun need to be too worried.
  23. Ok here is a pics of the crab. Not so clear cos using hp camera. Doubt if anyone wants such a small and plain looking crab. In case anyone do, can PM me.
  24. I think ah beng's at Pasir Ris Farmway always have blue-legged hermit in stock. Red-legged maybe not.
  25. Ah ha, the hitch hiker crab is caught. It finally came out and i cornered it But it is still alive, couldn't bear to kill it. Put it in a container seperately. Mayb i can rear it for fun?
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