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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. never feed my clam........ all of them are ard 4- 5 inches.........
  2. OOPs i think they dun belong here...... hahah giant corydoras and tiger shovel nose catfish.........
  3. Wow didn't know that there are so many common mistake made by reefer........... Heres another one- clownfish- false percula instead of crown fish..... appiles to clown trigger as well
  4. It can also be under the group of fish known as frog fish............ (am i right???)
  5. Not sure... got any closer pic look like galss anemone or some sort, any gurus can answer
  6. Been reefing for 2years but already keeping FW for 9 years
  7. Nah i dun like to be with Achilles tang that need 1600watt of light to be happy
  8. IMO no turtle should be kept unless maybe they are pig nose turtle.........
  9. Eh is your tank 30 feet No these 3 tang cannot be put together as they are all of the same shape and they will ifght, BTW all of them are aggressive............
  10. Yah IMO no two adult angel can be put together.......... Although i amnage to combine one adult rock beauty and one juv king angel
  11. wah nice tank......... mm thinking of starting a sps reef in my 55 gallon..........
  12. Keep aclose watch over your BT and btw BT are ich magnet so once in a while when they are stress, they will get ich.............. By feeding them with frozen food mix with garlic, could reduce the chances
  13. Eh not all coral appreciate to much waves unless sps
  14. Used to feed kent phytoplex but trying out DY phytoplankton
  15. Do hope you get a good skimmer...........
  16. Since it is only a FO tank go with normal kind of cheap Fl light, and that will do..........
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