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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Wow royal gramma are nice fish go get them
  2. Sealife- 1)emperor angel 2)dottybacks 3)sailfin tang 4)scopas tang 5)venustus angel 6)rusty angel 7)coral beauty 8)lyretail anthias 9)mandarin gobie 10) sea horse Coral- 1)ricordea yuma 2)hairy mushroom 3)star polyp 4)leather invertebrate 1)skunk cleaner 2)blood shrimp 3)coral banded shrimp 3)
  3. Maybe a 3000gallon tank............. That will be cool......... BTW french is a hardy and beautiful angel, but too bad it is way to big for me............ BTW i love personifer and cortez angel
  4. Yes there are..... edwin told em that they were traken by some reefers
  5. Hey good to hear that, but now i am more into anthias
  6. BTW for ultra maxis...... at least 250 watt of Mh is needed
  7. Hahahah........ i just got mine from a fellow reefer................ yeah new bird talking, weixiang listen to those gurus and lao jiao heree, they meant well... I made a mistake of buying too many useless stuff due to the fact that i don't know there was a SRC forum........ BTW sps are not really suitable for you, they require tons of knowledge, a chiller and MH is not enough Even the well known achilles tang that need 1600watt of light need to take some time before he fully convert his tank to a sps one........... Well join lps keeping, its fun too...........
  8. Why i dun have any pic of those fiji rocks..........
  9. My scarlet hawk only attack my shrimps........... BTW i have a bad experince with a lyre tail wrasse
  10. eh what i heard is... powder blue and achilles tang very easy to keep one!!! Quick buy one and try try
  11. Wow love your purple maxima.......... nasty looking Wonder who bought the gold maxima........... HEY whoever you are can you post pic of your gold maxima if you are in the forum.............. Let us drool pls
  12. wow nice tank..... Is that the tank which no new fish can stay for more tahn 3 days
  13. Heard from a few reefer here that their tang or fishes got eaten by elephant ear
  14. Rain*** used to bring in nice fiji live rocks at $25 per kg and i got from them for my unlce tank but they charge me only $12 per kg cos i know the unlce BTW i also got 7kg for my tank
  15. Erh play play............ BTW the fish also have live so pls dun end them so early
  16. OOPS better censored....... Nvm Btw what light is berrykin using
  17. BTW aquama** ginat squamosa is big too.........
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