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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. there are no 100watt version but there is definately 150watts Mh
  2. If corals can melt under 400watts then i think all of AT's sps will die
  3. My sump pic you wanna see huh...... nah, cos behind every successful tank(not mine), theres a ugly sump
  4. Thanks.. yah yah i know my photogrpahy skill sux, need you to keep saying
  5. Hey thanks.... Nah i believe there are much morenicer tanks out there
  6. Do that and your fish will star saying chi wah wah
  7. Incredible, nah..... but i do love it to be simple... Anyway thanks ,your tank look great too........ CHEERS D_A
  8. Yes lobster left over shell is nice, can keep for collection... And each time it molt, you can notice the shell getting bigger
  9. Hey where is it from, if bali and sri lanka(most PBT got from these 2 places) then i would not be interested but if philippine then yes, well maybe no cos gave up my PBT already.... Anyway i will not want to spend even $10 on bali or sri lanka PBT but i will pay $25 for PBT from philippine
  10. cannot be la la, the shell cannot hide the hermit itself lah
  11. I have seen orange ones at ML, wonder if they really look like this
  12. If you kill it, dun expect me to find for you the same one liao hor
  13. Yup using cl- 650, dunno just that from my thermometer \, the temp difference is 2.5degree Anyway thanks for ya comment, anyway for lps like your tank, IMO not really suitable for you to use the tunze stream
  14. MMM I am a noob to this kind of stuff, anyway still learning while trying out
  15. Thanks anyway the zoos can be found at rebo**..... Everyone was saying my squamosa is super big, but i think well maybe it is due to the mantle which was stretch out like theres no tomorrow that cause it to look big
  16. hey thanks....... yup a poor student so definately must keep my euipments as little as possible
  17. Tank spec-3X2X 1/1/2 -55 gallon mix reef Water parameter- ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-5mg/l calcium-450+ppm Ph-8.4 Dkh-10 Temperature-24.5-27 Equipments and all the barang barangs!!- Lighting-2X150watt 20000k Iwasaki MH(Gonna upgrade to 400watt 6500k iwasaki) Chiller-Resun Cl-650 running using eheim 2213 canister Skimmer-Weipro 2013 running using a Weipro WH-3000 submissible pump Water circulation- Tunze stream 6060(6000l/h), return pump from sump(2300l/h), Eheim 2213(400l/h), Aliquid power head(900l/h)... Total= 9600l/h Additive- 1)Seachem reef advantage 2)Seachem reef builder 3)Seachem raise strontium 4)Coralife Kalkwasser Thats all folks, pls feel free to ask questions and give your comment
  18. I try to remove every crabs i see except for those acro crabs that come with acropora
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