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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. hey hey reefing is not a easy job too... Yes those t5s can keep well most other kind of coral but light as what AT is not everything even to lps and softies. Many other conditions which are more important play a very big part. IMO read up more first before reefing
  2. MM nice atnk ith simple layout. kudos to you BUT IMO those FL light are definately not enough for your lps coral
  3. I did post up pic of my monti cap but i definately did not ask what it is... Anyway thats my monti cap
  4. No, i also meant well for you... Tangs poo alot and that contribute to water pollution in tanks. Anyway wait till you have a bigger tank first before getting those fish as transferring from one tank to other will be very stress and it is definately not good to let the tangs tolerate for few months. I used to have a PBT and YT all ard few cm and i find that in my 3 feet, they are already taking up lots of space. Anyway if you intend to get PBrT, IMO will get killed by your PBT and if you intend to get PurT then IMO get get killed by your YT.
  5. Eh where got 20 per kg.. pR is sell seller than that
  6. Eh usually i will go with the least gallon it can skim. IMO huge euro- reef or h&S will be much better.. Trust me
  7. Don't blame the wrong culprit for no reason
  8. hey tanggy, hope you stop getting any tangs. IMO a 3 feet is way too small for a PBT and whats more that you already have a few YT. Tangs are big schooling fish therefore they need lots of space to swim ard and a 3 footer can never be enough to house a one lets say a few. IMO you shoukld should cut down the amount of tangs you have instead of getting a few more. There are alot more other fishes which are more suitable for your reef. BTW I have kept a PBT and YT before, both doing very well but i knew that for their good, I have to pass them to other reefer who have bigger tank. Hope you don't find me naggy but i definately don't encourage you to egt more tangs in fact i encourage you to get a few away. CHEERS D_A
  9. Eh sorry to spoil your sport, top notch fiji live rocks are very porous and comes in very nice shape. They are definately not dull as what you mentioned.
  10. Fire worm and bristle worm are commonly mistaken by reefer being the same kind but actually they are both different species.
  11. When they attack your fish, it is usually when they are very big in size and also when the fish is already on its way to heaven thus it is only doing its job as a scavenger.
  12. If you are keeping crocea or maxima unde 150watt, then i suggest you put them very high up. Therefore it is sauggest to have >250watt to keep colorful crocea or maxima
  13. My purple queen pic??? mm wait let me check. Not sure have cos my PQ is very shy. Yup IMO zooplankton si so much better than marine snow. I bought the wild caught one from PR. Actually if your tank have enough pods, then you can most probably sustain any tough to feed anthias. But once the pods run out, you are in deep shi* so its better to get alternative food such as zooplankton .
  14. MMM anthias......... More dfficult to keep than tang??? mm well that may depends as some anthias are super hardy while some, we just can't seem to keep them. Anthias that are difficult keep are usually due to their diet. They just seem to reject every food given and rather starve to death. Some of this anthias are purple queen, evansi and even sunburst. But i have managed to get my purple queen to eat using wild caught frozen zooplankton. So if you wanna keep few of the species mentioned above, you can try zooplankton.(its works very well, and when i feed zooplankton, all my anthias go feeding frenzy) Anthias which are easy to keep are for example square anthias, truncate fairy, squaminpinnis and even tri- color anthias. They will take almost any food given from brine shrimp to some even pellets. but one word of advice, if you thinking of schooling the anthias i mentioned you better have a large tank with 1 males to ard 5-8 females. other tahn that, 2 males will result in brutal fight. Ok last of all, it is always a mistake to think that schooling anthias is a must. In fact some anthias do better when they are alone. But of you really wanna school anthias, have 1 male to many female and some anthais which are more possible to school are dispar and barlett as they are less aggressive.
  15. IMo with 150watt, you will most probably end up with brown or maybe the most green acro. suggest to go at least 250watt. I have been there done that
  16. What with the achilles tang craze this days. Is it a trend to have them Achilles tang are so delicate fish requireing water oxygenated water, a very picky feeder and not recommended to new hobbiest and wonder why still so many ppl(some have no idea what theyr require) still wanna own them.
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