MMM anthias......... More dfficult to keep than tang??? mm well that may depends as some anthias are super hardy while some, we just can't seem to keep them.
Anthias that are difficult keep are usually due to their diet. They just seem to reject every food given and rather starve to death. Some of this anthias are purple queen, evansi and even sunburst. But i have managed to get my purple queen to eat using wild caught frozen zooplankton. So if you wanna keep few of the species mentioned above, you can try zooplankton.(its works very well, and when i feed zooplankton, all my anthias go feeding frenzy)
Anthias which are easy to keep are for example square anthias, truncate fairy, squaminpinnis and even tri- color anthias. They will take almost any food given from brine shrimp to some even pellets. but one word of advice, if you thinking of schooling the anthias i mentioned you better have a large tank with 1 males to ard 5-8 females. other tahn that, 2 males will result in brutal fight.
Ok last of all, it is always a mistake to think that schooling anthias is a must. In fact some anthias do better when they are alone. But of you really wanna school anthias, have 1 male to many female and some anthais which are more possible to school are dispar and barlett as they are less aggressive.