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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. This is my 1 year plus reef(converted to SPS dominated few months back). Tank spec- 3by 1/1/2 by 2 Lighting- Iwasaki 400watt 6500k MH Chiller- CL-650(1/4HP) Skimmer- Weipro 2013 Filteration- running with a sump and also a canister Other equips- Tunze 6060 and a powerhead rated at 900l/h Comments are welcome
  2. Anyway if I am free on that day, i am willing to help out. Hope you dun mind seeing a small kid(actuallynot really small , well young maybe) if i come to your house. So pm me your address and contact. CHEERS D_A
  3. Yes i did mention a few times but i can't help noticing you keep asking abt lighting issue to keep sps whether it is t5 or MH. It seem that to you, lighting in sps keeping is the most important thing of all. Anyway Peace and lets not hijack danano thead.
  4. I see.. why dun you post some pic for us to see......... Wonder hy theres a need to rearrange the layout of the rocks
  5. NO tang are schooling fish in the wild and need very big space, with 3by 2 by2 i recommend you not to have any tangs. Even a 4 wiuld only allow you to have verysmall species of tang for example those from the zebrasoma species.
  6. Eh is your tank already up and running with inhabitant or you have got a new tank and want to start setting up a reef.
  7. Always bear in mind, lighting is just a small part to sps keeping. Even if you have 1000 watt light above your acros but your water condition is not good, your coral still will not thrive. Keeping a sps nano is not easy, fluctuation of water condition and parameter is alot.
  8. Hey pls dun make unnecessary comment in other ppl thread
  9. Hey IMo you should read up more before buying a fish which might bring harm to your existing tank inhabitant or to the fish itself. If your tank is small you should never put 2 zebrasoma species of tang togetehr in the same tank. There goes the same for acanthurus and naso(They are abit more sociable).
  10. Hey i like theadult morph more tahn the juv one
  11. IMO 10cm is still alright if it retain its color. Chevron are primarily hebivore, scrubbing on rocks for algae. Thus getting them to eat maybe abit tough but commercial prepared algae should get them to eat. But still that doesn't look like a 10cm fish to me
  12. There are few very sociable species of shrimp which can be kept together for example skunk cleaner or blood shrimp
  13. Yeah IMO for 3 feet tank and below..... Used it on my 3 feet with 1X400watt MH with no prob
  14. No as mentioned no angel is safe in a reef.. Flame are also prone to nipping brain and other lps coral
  15. IMO no angekl is reef safe. Angel are prone to nipping brains and large polyp stony coral thus the botaking of jewel might be the cause of it. But there are many factor that affect you coral too, do you mind stating your water parameter and such.
  16. haiz i just wish for a calcium reactor rated for 2000l
  17. Not really... even big six line might attack smaller crustacean
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