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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Once established you will see major war and then if you tank is small only one tang will be left. BTW how big is your tank.
  2. Same to you... Plus more acro shipment in this coming year
  3. IMo any crab that you cannot identify should be remove
  4. No thats a common mistakemake my reefers. Anthias do not have to be keep in school in fact some anthias do well alone. Some example are tri- color, truncate fairy and squaminpinnis.
  5. How come theres ammonia and nitrite presence in your tank. Suspect that it has not complete cycling. Anyway no fish can thrive in a tank presence with ammonia, suggest you remove them and then get your water parameter right first beofre start stocking up fish again. Anyway with those big pics, Boss or mod is either gonna shout at you or delete away those pic.
  6. Most liekly you will just end up with one tangs. Powder species tang are very fierce and territorial and once established it will not tolerate any presence of other tangs not just acanthurus butzebrsoma speciezs as well. IMO its best you sell 2 away and concentrate just on 1.
  7. hey make sure the sps are not too close to your mushy cos some mushy are known to have nasty sting
  8. Wah nice tank bro...... Love the side with the lps coral.
  9. even with 2 feet as long as some effort is put in, the valley can be created
  10. 2 layer purple monti frag broke by accident, requested by mellow (This pic sux i know)
  11. Just maintain your water quality, keep water paranmeter constant, then you can have a tank like them. oh yah other factor also affect the corals.
  12. Eh deepblue coral dun look like man made....looks abit like some montipora digitata skeleton paint with some colour
  13. Nah, stop it msg refer to stop going reefing instantly and quit this hobby while mine is to "refrain" from buying sps skeleton
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