That may not definately be caused by cynide.. In fact many thing may happen..... stress for example, probably trigger by parasite or what..... FYI its not that easy anymore to find cynide fishermen this days
Actually lta is always available witht the supplier... most of the time is the lfs owner find to ugly or diff to sell thus nv bring them in.... FYI lta one of the most common in indian ocean
usually the one that poo like crazy.... stupid looking and swim ard mre openly is usually the tang Other than tat would be looking out for cheek spine, scapel, mouth
Yup i know thats why we always say singaporean are being pampered but they dunno..... I love to surf oversea clams website, stare at their clams and their price tag
Actually lots of jewel came in last time only no ones knows except for me Din buy them cos din like them....
Nah.... market will never be flooded by gem tang... its be tradition that less than 10 gem tangs are caught each year