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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Sealife- 1)sohal tang 2)yellow tang 3)moorish idol 4)tenneti tang 5)orange shoulder tang 6)asfur angel 7)clown trigger 8)niger trigger 9)banner fish 10)six line wrasse 11)emperor angel 12)coral trout 13)white fin lion 14)peacock lion 15)watanabei angel 16)golden mask japanese swallow 17)koran angel 18)coral beauty 19)flame angel 20)square spot anthias 21)royal dottybacks 22)vlamingii tang 23)powder brown tang 24)purple tang 25)assorted butterflies 26)assorted damsel 27)harlequin tusk 28)fire goby 29)yellow coris
  2. Those are not dispar.. those are flame anthias pseudanthias ignitus
  3. croceas are the species of the clam you having now
  4. Purple??? thought its more of reddish brown.... i have seen really purple lobo(hehe in my uncle's tank)
  5. Seriously it will not burn your wallet as much as some other fishes
  6. Actually freshwater dip may kill clams especially those sick or very stressed up.... Thus not really recommended when your clam is dying unless you want ti to go heaven faster
  7. very rare and seldom collected hawaii flame wrasse at lck11*....
  8. Dun have any pic of the actual fish but this is how they look like...... This is golden angel
  9. NO.... even you have the pesky snail that feeds on clam you can still have clams... after all its still your money... who can stop you from buying
  10. IMO wait for cyano clear up first.. get your PO4 to 0 den maybe try sps
  11. Yeah din care abt it... small scar no prob
  12. Have the follwing fishes to clear off: 1)asfur angel- 4-5cm, doing really well and selling for $35 2)Golden pygmy angel- 5-6cm, have been in someone's tank for a very long time and selling for $50 3) rubiventralis fairy wrasse- 4-5cm a very hardy fish and eats everything you give....... selling for $10
  13. Lastly the success of my tank partially goes to this... REEF MANIAC CA REACTOR 1st version
  14. Huuray.. after1hr of dip.. snail are gone and my clam is back to norm
  15. Ok now is to update on my freshwater dip on my derasa clams... Note: this is a very good method to remove parasite of clams but it does stress the clam alot.... HOpefully nothign happen.... 2mins after dip
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