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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. LCK- 1)personifer angel 2)flame wrasse 3)naked clown 4)black tang 5)gold flake angel 6)argi angel 7)chaoti wrasse 8)yellow tang 9)AT 10)latz clown First I seen in many years 11)akindynos clown 12)powder blue tang 13)pineapple fish 14)derasa clam CF- 1)powder blue 2)hybrid powder blue 3)powder black 4)powder brown 5)clarion angel 6)naoko wrasse 7)joculator angel many many many many many more
  2. Yes, am still looking for small blue line. Saw only once at CF but they are not feeding. How about Personifer, the purple mask is awesome witha pitch black body. Bandit can be done if size is about 3-4inches and you are able to maintain temp at about 24degree celcius.
  3. Instant ocean gel food are now available at our commercial member Reborn Aquarium! Got one myself, tried and my fish truely loves it! http://blog.captive-aquatics.com/captive_aquatics/2009/11/review-new-instant-ocean-fish-foods.html
  4. How about the angel from the safer genus like chaetodontoplus or apolomichthys, bandits?
  5. Deep waters are rather prone to ich but I am sure yours will pass through it. Anyway nice scaping, nice tank
  6. Thread closed as I have enough potential buyers
  7. See I am correct about deep water butterflies being rather reef-safe with corals
  8. That used to be another pair I got from HK that did not make it. PS: FYI, pairing dartfish is not easy
  9. More shots of what it would be a helfrich pair
  10. Not actual pair but this is something you get. Anyway this pic belongs to me
  11. As per above. Might be selling Helfrich dartfish pair to facilitate for some equipments. $340 for the pair, both feeding on pellets already and courtship dance such as extending of fins and vibrating of body is seen. If interested, pls sms me at 91391438 to reserved. As I am not sure if I am selling yet, you may sms me first to get first priority.
  12. Update on helfrich- left 6 and currently 2 of the 6 is a potential pair
  13. Awesome fish.... How about getting the other lol
  14. A very close reefer friend of mine had the same experience as you and ended up leaving this hobby. Hopefully everything goes well for you and hang in there!
  15. Bro are those the final rocks you gonna use for your scaping. If so, I am afraid to tell you that the effect may not turn out as good. I found out that hard way, constantly buying different rocks to try out. From my experience, to get the best effect, you do not need many rocks, instead, get the biggest rocks you can find that you can find and stack them together. The big rocks each have their own unique shapes, looks good when place alone and when stack together they give very natural look. Little rocks stack together do not create much caves and look like un- natural abit like LEGO piling together. Right now, RB has very nice and huge live rocks for sale. They are curing the rocks right now, and you may want to look into that. Hope that helps DA
  16. Totally perfect but was hoping a manu and chelsea draw initially.
  17. SL- 1)sohal tang 2)asfur angel 3)maculosus angel 4)clarki clown 5)seabae clown 6)cinnamon clown 7)tomato clown 8)maroon clown 9)black occellaris 10)blackfoot clown 11)assorted butterflies 12)assorted damsel 13)red scooter blennies 14)mandarin dragonet 15)christmas wrasse 16)lyretail wrasse 17)blue tang 18)floweri tang 19)emperor angel 20)fire dartfish 21)flame dartfish 22)midas blennies 23)powder blue tang 24)large cleaner shrimp 25)large blood shrimp
  18. Woops nv see the timing... Sry guys for the last min bid
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