Ya but osmosis say the PQ and orange anthias dun eat so i think BBS and zooplankton will be a better for them to start eating.... anyway FYI mysis dun have much nutrients too
Eh beside the legendary clam shipment from the shop in the central 1 year ago.... There are no more ultra clam sighted.. so unless you bought from there, you could not really get an ultra
Those carry high phrosphate content in them.... no good choice for feeding especially when anthias need feeding regularly........... Try wild caught zooplankton or IMO BBS would be good
Aquria arts-
after we left.... still got many nice coloured acros..... luminous green cateye bubble, many euphyllia divisa(awesome piece), very nice hammer, chio ancora.... a few red blasto and many nice lobo
common corcea and maxima that are usually available in many lfs are rather cheap.. below 100 while ultra max and super grade crocea can go much higer with ultra max able to hit more than few hundreds
oh so you are looking for pseudanthias ventralis not pseudanthias ventralis hawaiinsis.. Btw so far haven seen anyone bring in ventralis anthias... oh ya they have very poor survival record and diff to feed too