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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Eh i think the mouth is located at the centre of the elephant ear(am i right???)
  2. To trained SH to eat is rather dificulot thus do not suggest you to get seahorse unless they are eating already and you done enough research on them........ Live brine shrimp or guppy fries can be used to tempt SH to eat
  3. who??? plankton huh you mean spider....... ah i lost my 2500+post too short way to my bullet head parrot rank
  4. I really love the blue effect of the radium bulb
  5. Gheez nice tank with that sohal in it.........
  6. EH now we back again being the young memeber(anyway we are young) of SRC
  7. yah pls note that both of this invertebrates are not easy to keep.........
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