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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Thats a camel shrimp, notice a hunch on its back
  2. Seali** stock 1)lyretail anthias(male and female ones, very nice ......... I bought one too) 2)blue tang 3)majestic angel 4)unicorn tang 5)diff dottybacks 6)tiger anthias 7)squarespot anthias 8)diff dwarf angel- coral beauty etc 9)clown surgeon 10)koran angel PR stock 1)still have many maxima................ 2)sps coral
  3. IMo do not keep moorish unless you have done enough reading on them and have excellent water condition
  4. Eh it is a juvenile purple lip or blue lip angel......... commonly known as flagfin angel.......
  5. BTW....... PR still have many nice clam
  6. Cool pi... always love green tip hammer
  7. eh I used to feed my blue ring with damsel in the earlier stage then slowly change to prawn meat
  8. You can get garlic extreme at seal*** and garlic guard at petmar*
  9. IMO garlic should be add as a preventive instead of a source for curing ich........ IMO having a quarantine tank is alot better and save the risk of other fish getting the infection
  10. Think only few species of starfish is reef safe........... go www.liveaquaruia.com for more information and identification
  11. Yeah used to owned that cool fellow........ BTW if that octopus is in your reef tank suggest to remove it as they feed on crabs, hermits crabs or even shrimp
  12. Yeah yeah agree, i think AT should give that title as his rank
  13. This is a rather hardy shrimp.......... Sometime it act as a cleaner to other fish but most of them usually shy away...Reef safe and more expensive than clenaer shrimp
  14. Eh btw i think invertebrate cannot stand high nitrate...
  15. watch out for maroon or tomato clown......... They are known to be rather harsh on anemone and may cause lots of stress to them
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