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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. har can't imagine that so much spelling mistake is made by us reefer..........
  2. Sorry for hijacking this thread............ BTW t9* has many brain and pratas go take alook
  3. Wow cool info and nice frags you have
  4. Where you get those snails.......... Are those common $2 kind, heard that they do not really survive well as compared to those found in PR or SL that cost ard $4 for one
  5. There are sea horse... maybe the time you got there, the seahorse were sold already
  6. Eh something liek this but this is a 20000gallon tank and is 30 feet in length
  7. For me..... if i ahve a 3000gallon tank, i will have 6 adult naso vlamingii, 3 ###### naso, 1 personifer angel, 1 cortez angel, many anthias(diff kind) and a small school of powder blue tang
  8. Maybe he already started planning how to setup and aquascape in his mother womb
  9. hey the black one is unique................. BTW lets keep this clam thread alive
  10. Remember to get some help from the gurus here
  11. Pls stop buying cleaner wrasse unless you are very sure that they are feeding well and have been in the lfs tank for a very long time............. They have very poor survival record.......... BTW in my unlce tank i have kept one red sea cleaner and one cleaner wrasse for 8 months and now it is still with me.............
  12. Wow all the car look totally toasted
  13. Upgrade your room light to 4X400watt
  14. Wah everyone so actively participating
  15. Reborn- 1)dotty backs 2)naso tangs 3)lamarck angel Never saw much as there were too many ppl, maybe some one else can continue for me inverts 1)skunk cleaner 2)blood shrimp 3)feather duster
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