Where you get those snails.......... Are those common $2 kind, heard that they do not really survive well as compared to those found in PR or SL that cost ard $4 for one
For me..... if i ahve a 3000gallon tank, i will have 6 adult naso vlamingii, 3 ###### naso, 1 personifer angel, 1 cortez angel, many anthias(diff kind) and a small school of powder blue tang
Pls stop buying cleaner wrasse unless you are very sure that they are feeding well and have been in the lfs tank for a very long time............. They have very poor survival record.......... BTW in my unlce tank i have kept one red sea cleaner and one cleaner wrasse for 8 months and now it is still with me.............
1)dotty backs
2)naso tangs
3)lamarck angel
Never saw much as there were too many ppl, maybe some one else can continue for me
1)skunk cleaner
2)blood shrimp
3)feather duster