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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Eh suggest you remove one out...... I hate fish attacking and chasing each other
  2. MH is much better for clams... But some people actually get success in keeping clam in PL light
  3. Haiz maybe you are right... anyway I am not having leathers anymore
  4. Yes triggers are predator and fierce carnivore...... They eat almost everything given.... As for compatibilty wise, it depend on what trigger you get, for example niger trigger or queen trigger, they are rather docile therefore you might be able to mix them with other triggers....... But some other trigger remain fierce and will almost kill any fish added and one example is undulate trigger............ And mixing with other trigger also depend how big is the tank.... Anyway trigger queen is a trigger expert and have successfully mix some triggers together, do ask her about it
  5. Marine betta is a rather docile fish and is seldom seen once you put them in your tank....... This fish is known to eat small fish and have a typical way of catching them............... IMO it si better to get fish that are bigger than them or ard the same size even though their mouth is rather small
  6. deepblue is gonna overload his tank due to purchasing of too much floridea
  7. Thats a zooanthid.... rather hardy species of coral
  8. wow your rocks do have thick coraline algae growth
  9. Lower the salinty of the tank to 1.012 then wait for the fish to die
  10. Ah finally got back my uncle cannon ixus so decided to post a few pics.... His green maxis
  11. This is the polyp of alveopora.... while the polyp of goniopora is in a avartar... so take alook and compared the difference
  12. Yeah everything is white under the stupid camera.......... Hope the ixus return soon........ Anyway just wanna let you guys know my unlce new rock work
  13. You got me wrong... what i mean is last time you post about you wanted to start a sps reef, many people discourage you so i expect the same thign to happen to me
  14. New scpae tank look.......... Taken with lousy camera
  15. In my tank before i add metal halide...... leather that eneter my tank will surely die..... maybe due to low lighting but after upgrading to MH not sure liao
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