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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. It is definately not recommended to squeeze a tang into a 2 footer
  2. Nah just that i type too fast......... Anyway Pl light is more recommended to keep bubbles
  3. hahah thats because you guys dunno the uncle........... once they bring in fiji liverocks and it cost 25 per kg but when i buy i only got for $12 per kg.... 80% covered with purple coraline algae.............. Anyway i get almost more that 50% off and only buy thing if i find it is cheaper than other lfs
  4. Bubble are rather hardy coral......... thye require moderate light and regular feeding....... Watch out for their sting, the sting are rather powerful and will hurt nearby coral such as leather if placed to close.......... through my unlce cateye bubble, i notice taht the sting appear mostly at ight
  5. IMo if your tank start to foul then something is wrong with your anemone
  6. IMO you should read up more of aggression behavior of clowns beofre buying 2.......... Clowns are very territorial and will not tolerate another clown in the tank, suggest you remove the african and give to someone who can provide for it
  7. It might due to the amount of light available.............. Think little light will cause the clam to stretch its mantle out more(am i right???) It may be also due to some fish which the reefer have in thier tank that will nip the mantle
  8. Think lobster are more of scavenger... dun think it will attack your bi- colour blenny
  9. Don't worry, why don't you start tempting it with frozen shrimp first to get it to eat
  10. eh cutting up $50 dollars note is illegal you know
  11. ra**boW stock- 1)regal tang(large and extremely small) 2)big purple lip angel 3)blue face angel 4)fire goby 5)flame goby 6)rabbit fish 7)niger trigger 8)1 foot long clown trigger 9)medium sizze clown trigger 10)panther grouper 11)false percula Invertebrate 1)tridacna gigas 2)tridacna crocea - gold version and many other colour 3)maximas- tile
  12. Yah you better remove the anemone or you are in a heck of a trouble........... Gheez, i beginning to hate anemone so much
  13. It is not worth it... for a few dollars stuff, and suddenly itdie it wipe out your few hundred dollars tank
  14. Try not to put then in the container as this will stress the tang more
  15. Don't worry as some of us are not even interested in non- reef safe fish....... Anyway since you have places which sell the fish you caught, i suggest you leave the fish to the wild and go to any lfs to get the same piece of fish.......... From what i see most fish there are rather cheap so you should have no prob getting one unless the fish there are scribbled angel or personifer angel
  16. yah only get butterfly from lfs which are eating or else you will face lots of fuss on getting the fish to eat
  17. IMO over head filter is useless in marine.................
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