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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. but i basically looking for nice specimen, if not i can always pop down at lfs or farm to buy
  2. Orgasbt, don't mind if i borrow your thread...... sorry bro i am also looking for NICE maxima and derasa. interested seller pls pm me...
  3. IMO, liquidfy marine is not a suitable food for fishes as it is mainly used to feed corals and other invertebrate but even so IMo it is a useless product containing mostly yeast and egg which added in excess will easily pollute the tank.
  4. The worst thing when you start adding fish is that you found yourself in love with damsel due to its blue striking colour. You buy a few, put into your tank then you notice that this blue cutie turn into devil.
  5. Think harle**** used to sell them at the price you got.......shhhhhhh cannot reveal much, oh yah that was like 11months ago
  6. Eh dunno, the boss say the coral came are cities thus the price become more ex
  7. wah if $35, den the 2 coco flubberina got is a super deal.
  8. From the mantle look, i think base on this picard 90% it is crocea
  9. Eh where else do you think deepblue frequent
  10. When you go rebor*, got to the section where they place thier invertebrate, there you will see plenty of there kind of eel.... usually place in small container like those for keeping fighting fish.
  11. IMO ard the same as your tank crash by unknown source....... hey guys don't scare him lah
  12. I have see this skimmer running...... basically the skimmate produce is mostly green tea looking and i believe that with better skimmer like weipro, aquaC or H&S, your tank will do much better
  13. yah especially with all the bristle worm and unknown creatures in your tank such as crabs
  14. Wah i think many ppl spend a bomb on ricordia this days
  15. yah alot more and some good example are those from the previous batch of PR clam shipment. Oh yah this also, just to let you drool
  16. Eh if nobody can collect by tomorrow morning then i will pm or sms you. care to leave your number by pm
  17. Eh forgot to add, got one rock has one piece of peach stripe mushroom attach to it.
  18. I have got ard 4kg of live rocks to sell............ plan to sell at $20 but hope to clear by tomorrow morning, interested pls pm me.
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