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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Is this the one you got http://www.saltcorner.com/sections/zoo/fis...quamipinnis.jpg
  2. From my marine atlas the scientific name is pseudanthias truncate but from salt corner the scientific name is different but they all label the same fish as truncate anthias............. This is it- http://www.saltcorner.com/sections/zoo/fis...hypselosoma.htm
  3. IMo for 2 feet, you should not keep any tangs...... They are huge fishes and produce tons of waste....... And BTW PBT are not easy fish to keeo thus i think you better look out for other fishes that are more suitable for you
  4. Mines a truncate fairy(Pseudanthias truncate)..... a rather bold fish and quite aggressive too....... But eat everything.... My purple doing rather well swimming very gracefully........ Oh btw the one i bought is an adult and already eating.... BUT abit ex
  5. Ah!!! got 2 thing i wanna get, a calcium reactor and a 400watt MH lighting
  6. Firstly tell us what anthias you used to keep and how bigs your tank.......( tank spec????) IMO few anthias i found easy to keep is dispar, tri- color, fairy and squamipinnis aka lyretail anthias Then few difficult ones are purple queen(keeping one that is eating), evansi and ventralis
  7. Oh yah btw most giant clam i mean big ones are usually squamosa sometimes derasa and usually are poorly coloured thus i think if you want go for the smaller species maxima or crocea which are much nicer....
  8. yah i got one too....... very small indeed
  9. yah wanna someone give me free coralline algae too cos my rock don't have much coralline algae growth
  10. http://marinedepotlive.com\ www.fishdomain.com Oh yah for fish picture, get dr burgress marine atlas
  11. From the looks of it, it does look good but i will never know unless you tell me your tank spec
  12. If i am not wrong, if it get stuck in the or crush by pump or power head, it should release poison
  13. I think this is worst than being bitten by a blue ring........ cos symptom appear so slowly and thus make your thought run wild...... IMo if this thread get longer, you gonna scare out of your wits
  14. Oh yah wanted to sell mt black cuke.......
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