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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. My mum is killing me already due to my MH and chiller....... Anyway i used to sleep directly in front of my chiller and till now i am alive and kicking so what could happen!!! okok kidding, hope some gurus here can give you answer on whther the exhaust is bad for health....But one thing for sure, sleeping in front of it is very hot
  2. Oh yah not to mention, so nasty critter may live in LR too
  3. I am selling my black saddle back clown for $3, it has been with me for 5-6 months and eating everything i give...... Interested pls pm me
  4. Juv koran are ard 412 and adult koran are ard $35........ Koran are angel are they may nip on coral especially hard coral(common taget BRAIN!!!)...... They maybe picky in feeding but my previous koran(sold away) eat almost anything that is given...... And suggest you start with juv as thye adapt better. And finally as you know angle are territorial and they cannot tolerate other angel presence.... More info http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...d=21&pCatId=412
  5. Hey think brine shrimp or mysis shrimp will be a much better choice for your purple flame goby
  6. No no you still get it worng,thinky ou need to study and read up more on fishes and their need first koran angel are big fish and will reach to a length of 40cm and i don't think it is good to restrict a fish of potential to reaching a length of 40cm into a tank of mere 2 feet long(60cm).......... And btw angel are not really that easy to keep too, they are prone to parasite and some of them are known to be picky feeder......... Hey read up more and you will know which fish is suitable for your tank.
  7. Huh like this only meh??? thoguht that there are many more reefer from central side
  8. Think you will have to wait very long and hope maybe PR will bring some in
  9. Those are crocea...... And quite nice..... They used to have one very nice( i mean very) crocea with electruic gold pattern but is taken by one of the reefer here........
  10. Hey hey pls dun give wrong advice ........ A squaminpinnis aka lyretail anthias is a very fierce anthias and in a small tank like yours(mine also a 3 footer) you should best only have 1......... yes they do school in the wild but schooling for lyretail is best achieve only if you have a very large tank with 1 or 2 male with many female........ This way the way then each can established their own territory......... Oh yah this anthias are rather hardy and feed on almost everything.............
  11. What do you mean by how to choose clam, the color, the species, or the healthiness
  12. Yah i planning to have a 400watter in my 3 feet tank too, like yours
  13. Yah hairy sting is rather lethal
  14. DB is trying to make ppl drool on his shrooms
  15. Yah and also more lR creat the more nature look fo the sea
  16. Hey i think you better upgrade your chiller into at leas a 1/4hp....... used to use Cl-100 like yours for my 3 footer and the chiller could not even cool down my tank to a fare bit(oh yah also using 2X150watt)
  17. Hey you have a nice aqua scpae....... Hey patience is the main key in marine so i guess you know what i mean
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