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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. hey nice tank hon...... Oh yah just love that tua hum
  2. Erm first you need to know why PR commmand so high price(which i dun really think so at all) and what type of coral they carry........ You can ask ard here, the are one lfs which carry quality sps coral and many reefers here have bought plenty from them...... BTW i bought plenty too and i even bought fishes from them, and i find teir price rather reasnable and competitive And if you really want to mention the name of a certain lfs, PLS cencored their name and do the moderator a favor and also yourself a favor .
  3. Maybe you can try zooplankton, thats the main food for anthias in the wild
  4. i notice that BTA sting is not as lethal as those from carpet or tube thus when you touch it, you wun feel much of a stickiness..... Well try carpet and you will notice the difference
  5. yes they will try to sting each other and compete for space especially during the night..... But IMO usually there is no much harm done.....
  6. AH!!! forgot the name, is it the colonial polyp which look like the button polyp that were commonjly sold but only thing is that it is yellow and has long hair like thingy sticking out from each polyp......
  7. Look at deepblue avatar and that will remins you of a very good example of yumas
  8. Thnaks alot for your comment but i am still labelling this tank as under construction still got many potential to add corals
  9. hey nice tank... love the simple out look just that you need to use more rocks or corals to cover the egg crates
  10. Luckily its only a BTA and not a carpet or tube anemone
  11. melt away i suppose so but never really know tha they will get infected with brown jelly
  12. Suggest you read more about purple queen frist before getting them..... IMO any purple queen that is not yet feeding should not be bought by a reefer unless he/she is willing to risk losing it(very high chances)... anyway purple queen is one fish that should never be attempt by newbie The purple queen i got was already feeding in the shop thus i dare to take the risk to buy it. Anyway since you already got it, IMo try cyclopeeze, zooplankton or maybe live brineshrimp to tempt it to eat..... Even so i would say the PQ has very high chaces of dying...... Anyway to get a PBT to eat is a fuss but to get purple queen to eat is a nightmare
  13. yah saw the spectacle angel aka conspicious angel at PM commanding at $1200 for one
  14. Close up on a montipora capricornis i bought today
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