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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Actually I am thinking that both of us have gotten Gigantea and not haddoni
  2. Sealife came in new Africa shipment with many BEAUTIFUL radiant wrasse(juv to alpha male adult), african flameback, allardi juv, Chrysurus angel and midas blenny. Exisiting hawaii and Red Sea stock like flame angel, yellow tang, golden butterfly, sohal tang and purple tang still available. In addition, plenty of indo pacific stock as well- powder blue, blue face angel, occellaris clown and many more. Best Iridis wrasse shipment I have seen
  3. Yep red carpet are abit more delicate but they are really worth the try since they are so rare
  4. I waiting for a while more before deciding to add any fishes. Oh, you din get the red carpet ah?
  5. I am looking at a minimal concept. Yes, thats my red monster at the back, been more than 6 months, praying hard
  6. upload an album to sgreef den link the photo from the album. My velvet came from a pair of iridis and very afraid to ad any fishes now
  7. My tank as of today. No longer using MH, now just go with 6x 39 watt T5s. Underwent a velvet outbreak that killed many of my fishes so stop adding fish for sometime.
  8. Some nice zoos ( blue, red and other colours), as well as some other corals at Reborn. Fishes are 1)Multibarred angel - got ard 5 pieces 2)female watanabei angel 3)powder brown tang 4)powder black tang 5)tomini tang 6)clarkii clown 7)rusty angel 8)half black angel 9)coral beauty angel 10)bi- colour angel- Saw a pair in one of the coral tank 11)sohal tang 12)vlamingii tang sh** can't remember the other fishes, guess I am getting older
  9. I agree, I always ask is this from Africa LOL
  10. So what LCK has was purple hornet?? But it doesn't have a tich of purple in it
  11. Oh so Helmet Debelius book's pic of fuscocaudatus clown is wrong
  12. The rest of the allardis are very beautiful. This is the best batch of allardis I have seen. So is yours a sychelles clown???
  13. AFter that shipment, there are no more latz shipment anymore. Anyway the pair of latz in david saxby's tank really showcase the beauty of this fish
  14. 1)sohal tang 2)purple tang 3)asfur angel 4)potteri angel 5)flame angel 6)clown tang 7)colini angel 8)rusty angel 9)blue face angel 10)fire goby 11)leopard wrasse 12)tomato clown 13)maroon clown 14)clarkii clown 15)assorted damsel 16)mandarin goby 17)pencil wrasse 18)burgess butterfly 19)akindynos clown and many many many more fishes
  15. Simply because most of the fishes mentioned are either too expensive or lack of demand. Not many ppl will pay $100+ for a clown
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