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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. hahaha you try... i gonna catch you and put you in a glass bottle too
  2. nah.. if he keeps low profile i wouldn't find him.. but he disclose his fish so openly.... And i just have to do my job or else ppl complain den i out of job liao
  3. dun want lah(hmm you habouring evil though huh ).... too big liao.....
  4. hahah how come your daughter is him huh anyway think i dunno your heart also very bad.. want to donate foxface to sting me
  5. oh yah its copper sulphate.. paiseh chem always just pass one so bro weileong better dun invite me to your tank warming or else you may lose a reef and maybe daugther kanna aducted too(punishment for keeping too many tangs)
  6. yup..... a little copper sulphide will do..... den can say you reef is a goner liao
  7. dun invite so many ppl lah.. some come with ill intention(like me) ready to drop copper into your tank muahaha
  8. wahaha den take loh, my tank no space laio only sandbed for brains..... wahaha dun reveal to you muahaha
  9. wahaha she near space for he "Big" thing
  10. Yup or else when the shipment come... you no $$$ to spent den only see no touch
  11. ya you end up with cloudy water(another meaning for tank crash)
  12. to have milk chocolate... off your chiller and on your MH for 24hrs..... your chocolate stick will melt and you get milk chocolate.....
  13. not really... not attach does not mean byssal is damage although its better to get a clam with something attach to its base...... However you can't possibly find a clam which lives in sand bed to have something attach to its base for example gigas or squamosa.... So its all depends on what you are looking for and luck counts too
  14. hahaha i pm you once i come back with all the nice stuffs... haaha jking
  15. hahah get DNA sample from fiji LS then inject into all your LS den become fiji's reef
  16. haha yours is rojak tank reef... nvm rojak good fit the theme of singapore
  17. Kidding lah... what inside info.. machiam like PI....... eh but i do know something big is heading our way.. hahaha
  18. dun even know how fiji look like how to convert fully.... anyway adapting a bit from each reef from diff dive site will probably make your tank look more natural.....
  19. wow looking at the 2 view of your tank makes my own tank seem so tiny
  20. nah cos i got insider info got many sohal arrive med to large one(okok confess looking for one but now no more as i added yt liao)
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