Serious or not.. black ultra maxima is nothign interesting... ah i forgot you liek the dull dull funny looking hippophus FYI the chances in finding a black maxima in a group of ultra clams is 1 to 5000clams
From what i know abt anthias... phyto are really too small for them to eat.... zoo is a really much better choice... However phyto are definate excellent food for clams and sps
Eh the parasite dun hold onto rocks lah.. told ya they are free swimming.... they actually can't survive very long without host thus they definately swim ard looking for potential prey
Eh actually clam craze is not over at all... In fact the european side are demanding so much clams that supplier can't meet their demand... Probbly you haven see the ultras and rare thats why you got sick of clams.....
will you get sick of this
Hmm... weird tang.. seem like a cross breed of 2 species.... so far tangs with 2 black spot on end of dorsal and ###### fin are nigroris, and nigrofucus but both dun seem to look much like it
Guys out there.. know theres a sudden crazy for lt tang and orange shoulder tang... Just to let you gusy know be4 commiting.. both are huge tang growing to ard 60cm... large tank is needed and think twice be4 commiting.. Oh ya these guys are no nicey