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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Hmm since i got hold of my uncle's digi cam once again.... ok here are some pics to share
  2. Told you not to get a AT... IMO more of a stress factor than a joy to keep
  3. A few tang have that..... acanthurus nigricauda, acanthurus xanthopterus,
  4. Serious or not.. black ultra maxima is nothign interesting... ah i forgot you liek the dull dull funny looking hippophus FYI the chances in finding a black maxima in a group of ultra clams is 1 to 5000clams
  5. eh can put one comment.. both you clams are crocea not maxima
  6. Ah at that stage you dun need to worry cos that stage still wun feed on fish body
  7. Yup could be........ and actually photograph may not show actual color lah, you never know
  8. From what i know abt anthias... phyto are really too small for them to eat.... zoo is a really much better choice... However phyto are definate excellent food for clams and sps
  9. Eh the parasite dun hold onto rocks lah.. told ya they are free swimming.... they actually can't survive very long without host thus they definately swim ard looking for potential prey
  10. hey good luck to your sales.. But one thing to correct, anthias dun feed on phytoplankton.. Their main diet is zooplankton
  11. Wah pressure me sia..... ok you be next in line..... I already tell reef guy to post the pic in the evening after i come back
  12. He is not using overflow and probably using a metal stand thus able to have 2 tanks.. kinda like the time during lohan craze.... Up down all have
  13. seriously sis..... bare bottom do not allow you to control ich lah... no trying to argue here but its true... looks like i need a microscope to proof
  14. Eh actually clam craze is not over at all... In fact the european side are demanding so much clams that supplier can't meet their demand... Probbly you haven see the ultras and rare thats why you got sick of clams..... will you get sick of this
  15. Hmm... weird tang.. seem like a cross breed of 2 species.... so far tangs with 2 black spot on end of dorsal and ###### fin are nigroris, and nigrofucus but both dun seem to look much like it
  16. oh well since you keen on keeping...... hmm a few places have ML, e aqua****** and they dun come easily
  17. With that naso.. you can consider your tank too full already...
  18. Guys out there.. know theres a sudden crazy for lt tang and orange shoulder tang... Just to let you gusy know be4 commiting.. both are huge tang growing to ard 60cm... large tank is needed and think twice be4 commiting.. Oh ya these guys are no nicey
  19. yeah.... lots of your livestock are bleach(not enough light) suggest adding quickly or your livestock may suffer at later stage
  20. From both of your tank list... IMO your tank has way too much fishes, suggest stop adding
  21. probably you maroom is weak... a snowflake would not really get attracted to live and healthy stuff.. but if injure sick or weak, hahaha
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