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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Hmm i just leave mine alone... den after few days just start to flood water with mysis/ brine shrimp and it just start eating
  2. the one behind grey angel...... the one on top, could be some rare fish cos you notice the one nearer to the glass has a slightly purplish face.... i dunno it may also be common fish like grey poma... I also saw the reflection of chrysurus angel
  3. Hmm dunno leh.. i already place it at area with high flow and lighting
  4. eh no mine is a rock with blue mille on one side and one the toher side is a colony of pink mille.. hmm monti seem to be ok... i took a slightly injured frag from aquaria art and now it recover already..... Yeah deepblue keep quite a few monti
  5. Nope blue mille not rare.. almost every aquaria arts shipment have
  6. Hmm probably.. thats why now i decide to cut down on fiji mille... maybe get either indo mille or established mille from reefers place
  7. dun need lah you want wait for it to spread i pass you loh.. still must wait for my angel to nip Anyway this pink zoo lost abit of colour intensity when it was house in another place with lousy lighting.... it look like this in the past.. hehe i again
  8. can bring back some nice zoathids for me
  9. Another clearer pic i found somewhere... Red sea regal
  10. My Red sea regal.. belly yellowish colour
  11. white belly regal..... notice the belly is greyish
  12. haha den get one yourself.. sealife still got quite a few.... Hmm clams, sps and lps should be ok but softies especially zoos maybe nip... however mine seem ok so far so touch wood.. Dun worry i keep you update...
  13. hehe thanks... no prob i try to find some white belly regal for comparison
  14. I already say the fish behind the tang gheez.....
  15. Ok den i guess it not it.. but its definately one of the rare angels
  16. Redsea regal or yellow belly regal from meidan has belly or stomach which are orangy yellow in colour... Colour for this group of regal is also more intense.. White belly regal usually from philippine as their name mentioned got white or greyish stomach... colour is not that intense of course yellow belly species are more expensive with red sea the most(ard$60), den meidan(ard $35) and den white belly regal the least expensive(ard $25)
  17. No problem.. will keep you guys updated.. Nope no clams but will be adding if any nice ones pops by
  18. Nope... not at all.... red sea regal got one of the best record for being reef safe... but its nv a good idea to house them with zoos, but since i like it so much... no choice buy and test test loh.. so far ok
  19. Ya guess all of us have some corals that we can't keep in our tank... mine is my fav one millepora
  20. Erm sounds like me anyway i myself
  21. Hmm maybe if the next colony i get, i will locate it at place with high flow
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