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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. can't remember liao..... but the cover page got one electric blue filamentosus if i am not wrong
  2. oops i just remember abt that... ya will be very rare for now... even my sunset anthias price has went up alot
  3. eh very common... almost everywhere if they hav shipment from indian ocean... cirrilabhrus rubiventralis aka social wrasse
  4. hehe i was right... its that fish in sealife display tank
  5. eh many plaace.. but the one i want to say cannot be mentioned so you know lah
  6. Would definately love to be there.. but midnight party leh, me no car.... hehe so hope you know what i mean huh
  7. oi oi oi yah lah personal taste.... den evansi loh... IMO most beautiful anthias but definately one of the most diff to keep(worst than PQ)... Actually there is an anthias call pictilis anthias, even more special but $150 per piece
  8. hehe yeah only red sea eight liner is beautiful..... Oh ya since you like fairy so much, get the book specially onfairy wrasse one(eh forget the title liao)... you see liao eye big big
  9. eh alpha male dispar looks much more chio Apart feom look location also alot diff.. dispar range from indian ocean to indo pacific where else barlett is from hawaii
  10. Of course.. barlett aren't nice guy either.... males are known to be very aggressive in some cases.... i still prefer my peaceful sunset anthias
  11. yah loh but barlett for ppl who got$$$ probably myself will get a school of sunset anthias.... nice and cheaper(well not much also).. but dunno leh barlett sometime abit fierce with other anthias
  12. I got one conclusion... zoos are known to produce dealy neurotoxin when stress or attack.. thus the regal wack only the dead zoos because those are already dead thus maybe cannot produce the toxin already, where else it leave the healthy one alone cos it know that those are capable of releasing toxin
  13. My pink one all opening well so i dun have to be afriad of it being attack.... so wait long long loh
  14. Found out somehting.. bad news... my regal wack does zoo(as expected... cos i think thats their diet in the the wild) but luckily it only wack those zoo that are close or dying ...no interest in sps or lps
  15. good jumer?? ok lah... well some are downright territorial while others seem ok
  16. i thought all this with yellow stripes are juv... they are female??? weird that means very very tiny one with yellow stripes already consider female ah
  17. Actually yours is not the true PQ.. its pseudanthias pascalus aka purple anthias... real one has yellow throat and is call pseudanthias tuka.. anyway both also diff to keep
  18. hehe if bro hamannbmw got a mantis shrimp(which he did not notice or spot it) and that greesigeri happens to meet that manti sden could be THE END
  19. wahaha finally somebody facinate fairy wrasses..... Hmm my personal fav is Red sea eight liner(not from cirrilabhrus but equally reef safe) and hawaii flame wrasse.... Bro deepbl** one is definately mysterious wrasse from marshall island.... Anyway some of this wrasse may have a con, which is that they may be very aggressive towards one another... i tried before rubinpinnis, rubiventralis, filamentosus(filamentosus not from cirrilabhrus family but the other 2 yes)
  20. Yah like williammuk has pointed oput.. is the clam always gapping??
  21. Hmm some of my zoo experiencing same prob.... it may not be the nud.. in fact fungus will also cause the zoo not to open..... luckily most of my american zoo, my purple all open
  22. IMO one should read up on PQ first before trying them.... They IMo will nv feed on brine/ mysis shrimp or maybe take a very very logn time to start feeding on them(by that time , up lorry liao) no choice sicne you all buy lia, getwild harvest zoo from EAn loh den try to wean them.. If not can tell them bye bye liao
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