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Everything posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. Bro whose ever record also jia lat one lah.... even though mine is worst than yours.... There could be another reason is that you have a hospital tank i dun have(dun have that kind of space, id i anyhow set up tub here and there, mums gonna kill me).. any tangs sick just hypo... BTW most tangs(95%) died due to ich and 2 known method to cure ich is copper and hypo.... so if you got tank to hypo chances are the fish will recover
  2. well i did try a few... I suauly dun keep them pass 6months reason.. get too large sell loh... If you notice i sell alot of my tangs in market place.... a few died if not wrong but all not within few weeks keep them for months before up lorry except AT
  3. Yup but no difference with 3 and 4 one lah.... den compare 4 to tangs territory even worst right.... wah you prejudice against 3 feet ah
  4. Thats why i say the tang eating coral case does not happen to everyone if fact most ppl tangs dun eat thier corals.... how come nv happen to me, i dunno
  5. Yup with lousy undersize skimmer any thing spawn would result in almost crash or crash situation.... 6 fish in 6 feet tank... many.... One good example is someone keeping quite a few(if not wrong more than 6) tangs that has the potential to grow into 2feet into a 4by 4 by2 tank Oh ya skimmer is the well known Red sea berlin
  6. actually if you compare.. no difference one... unless you talking abt 15-20feet(oh ya tangs territory is still bigger than this tank size) with 1 or 2 tangs den i maybe nothing to say
  7. Guys guys.. i nv say angels are more reef safe than tangs... i only say that the rule dun applies to me (why maybe i dun have surgeon fish finger) yeah of course like what roidan say in general tangs are safer compared to angels.... thats why this post in FOLWR forum right FYI few years ago, you would seldom or nv hear tangs wacking corals.. but now such cases are piling up... really makes me wonder Maybe nowadays our tank more ang kong kong that why tangs see liao also cannot tahan... Oh ya definately i would recommended to keep dwarfy in sps more than lps tank.. been proven not many fish like sps no meat and also the continuous pecking ard rock area may actually keep pest like flatworm population in check.... not proven but thats what bro scarab thinks.. so angels afterall may have their benifits.... mother nature is so great and there are tons of unknown stuff we yet to know
  8. yah.... to most ppl.. but this thumb rule like nv applies to me one.. weird... oh ya dun forget.. guys most of our tank are way too small for a acanthurus consider that some of you guys keep 4, 5, or even 6.... a middle size acanthurus occupies way way more space then a average 6-7footer.. thus confining many in small space i think not nice thing to do... for now i prefer to leave them in the wild....so thats another factor that lead me to choose centropyge angels over tangs....
  9. Dun worry.. i got fish finger... I spank my angels when they go naughty
  10. Nope but there are some 100%reef safe like venustus and resplenden.... my experience with tangs is a bad one but not my experience with angels.. Thus can be abit prejudice against tangs DA experience with tangs eating corals- yellow that nip, blue tang that nip, PBT that tear my squamosa mantle apart DA experience with angels that nip- none yet.... tried king, rock beauty, maculosus in my uncle lps tank.. none wack coral.... Ever tried coral beauty, midnight9still have), venustus(still have), lemon peel hybrid(still have), blue face(in old tank), majestic(old tank), emperor juv(old tank), koran juv... none of them wack coral Maybe i got angel fish finger So to me since tangs can't behave well and poo alot, i rather choose angel which so far i had no prob with(touch wood), even the with larger counterparts.... and also angels colouration is nicer
  11. That whys I remove all my big snail.... compare to the frequency of tang poo to snail spawning.. tang poo really cause more impact
  12. Ya loh... but tangs really CMI one.. not 100%reef safe somemore the poo can kill you and your tank
  13. hahah yeah come join our gang.... tangs waste time one
  14. AA should have..... that time came in with ric.. you guys spent all money on ric in the end no $$ to buy fish but dun worry this fish rather common....
  15. i see..... but can get them at mauritius or not... I going there on april or june.... Anyway i got prices for nahacky, resplenden and interruptus liao... Price is always ard 8** to 1***
  16. But man u damn jia lat... first half 4 yellow lol
  17. wah bro... swee swee tank... post your maxima pic let everyone drool leh
  18. Guys oh ya... how many here are dwarf angel enuthsiats... need to convince auntie jasmine bring in some mauritius or fishes from other place like rare debelius angel or nahacky angel.... of course pocket must be deepp, dun expect $50 kind hor..... If interested put name down(dun need commit), just wanna see interest... wanna see singapore market is it really CMI one
  19. Sealife 1)powder brown 2)emperor angel 3)rusty angel 4)coral beauty 5)leopard wrasse- many nice ones 6)scooter blenny 7)landmower blenny 8)faciantus anthias 9)squarespot anthias 10)naso tang 11)2 spot goby 12)fire goby 14)watanabei angel- 2 very nice pieces 15)dispar anthias 16)high fin goby 17)strawberry dottyback 18)clown surgeon 19)tiny frogfish many more nice stuffs.... there should be a hawaii shipment on friday but no promise by auntie jasmine hor.... Should(notice the i use the word should) have multi colour angel and the rare jordani flame wrasse.... Oh ya wait for after new year.. many nice special stuff heading sealife way heard could be great barrier stuff so angel enthusiats stay tune reborn- nothing much just remember seeing king and queen angel.. The king is beautiful with the partially develop blue chest
  20. lemon peel habitat not affected by tsunami(hawaii island to macronesia all the way to ard coral seas area)..... Good price unlike my stupid hybrid lemon peel that cost 3 digits
  21. Might be going there in april or june... So ask here first to see if there are any lfs down there whereby i can buy some fishes... Hopefully can get blue mauritius angel(centropyge debelius) back.... best can provide address
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