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Everything posted by thomas_lim

  1. Didn't spot any when I was there earlier. Can try AM as there was some there yesterday.
  2. Thanks Bro. Waiting for ur whatapps u know.
  3. I can give you a frag if you are not looking for colony. Just PM me if you have not gotten. Cheers!
  4. Very EYE POPPING zoas!!! Photos like taken by a PRO too!
  5. As of Saturday, there is a lot left. Don't think it will be sold out so fast.
  6. Very interesting marine planted setup! I had a semi outdoor tank as well in my yard but under more shelter than yours. Looking forward to your updated pic.
  7. 20 years in this hobby, still learning like everyone. I'm a cheapo but i believe we don't need to go around "begging"...

    1. thomas_lim


      Is funny people why people had this mentality when I wasn't even saying them.. sigh.. can't move on with life???

  8. You are most welcome. Sorry for the impromptu arrangement. I'm just a normal reefer like everyone. Working our butt off for family and hobby. Just helping out each other when time permit la.
  9. I can harvest again if you need just a fist full size. PM me. I'm at Bukit Batok area.
  10. Maybe just use a manual timer for the solenoid then like what i do. Set about 8 to 10hr a day. E.g. on at 9am and off at 7pm.
  11. PH controller not needed. I I'm using the bigger version for years no need. CO2 on when light on, CO2 off when light off can liao.
  12. The Fish Channel's Kenya shipment arrived: Earspot angel Emperor angel Flameback angel Radiant wrasse Twistii wrasse Exquisite wrasse Mccosker flasher wrasse Blue eye anthias Midas blenny Bluestripe pipefish Vanderbilt Chromis Attached Thumbnails http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-13039600-1434989882.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-16399100-1434989893.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-55986400-1434989905.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-04885800-1434989921.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-09289200-1434989933.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-24918300-1434989943.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-52810700-1434989955.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-45510500-1434989969.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-79502500-1434989981.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-17781000-1434989993.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-19651000-1434990004.jpg http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-21575-0-19616700-1434990014.jpg
  13. Another Brand New Week! Wonder any more great deal like LCK's
  14. Can't agree more. Esp point 2. Some people are paranoid over this and goes to extreme measure to maintain zero nutrient which IMO doesn't need to be as well. SPS will still tolerate a low level.
  15. Generally KH value between 8 to 10 is fine.
  16. from the 2nd pic, there seem to be a stem. Likely is Sea Pen Coral. http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/cnidaria/others/pennatulacea/pennatulacea.htm
  17. Another new week! 1 Shipment to watch for is LCK's offer for the below. Jawfish Queen King French Rock beauty ABT Hope to hear more good shipment
  18. PM me if u need only a hand full to kick start. I'm at Bukit Batok. No charge
  19. Hmmmm.. something for us to ponder as well on PO4. There might be some case. Nothing wrong with the input.. We are all still learning after decades... As i'm also using zeovit, the PE for me can be a bit skewed. But seem like everything does point to KH below 8 equal less PE.
  20. Very nice and healthy xenia! Upzzz!!!
  21. Should be white with green centre. Some with a little bluish tint. Think price is 50 up depend on size. I might be wrong w the pricing. Some Look something like this. (Pic taken from internet)
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