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Everything posted by thomas_lim

  1. Hi Folks, Anyone had frag or whole piece of Monti to let go? Please PM me the price and description of monti. E.g. size, color. With pic will be GREAT!!! Thanks, Thomas
  2. Bro, think is $120 for all 5 rics.
  3. Try Reef Depot. Is 1 of the sponsor in this forum.
  4. No worries bro. Just ensure you dose it right in front of a pump so that it will be scattered all around the tank to maximize the effect. I have have used it for a few years now and have no adverse effect on my old and new tank(4 months old). In fact, if you need more coraline algae, will recommend you Purple-Up. This is a sister product of AragaMilk which I noticed have a higher Mag level which boast the coraline algae growth. Try using both on alternate dosing. Just a suggestion.
  5. Folks, I have been following this review diligently in hope of knowing more about this product before commiting on a new skimmer. Just my thought, since AJ's skimmer has been running for a while. There may be some salt creep developed at the skimmer cup connecting area around the main body which could not be washed and cleaned unless you remove the whole skimmer from sump and wash it at least every fortnight. Thus creating this problem of difficult in removing the cup. Just my thought, only time will tell if this the case when using it in salt water over time......
  6. I would say AragaMilk has more of the balance between the 2. The TLF C-Bal is more towards maintaining the Calcium level while the AragaMilk will maintain both Calcium + Mag as well. And the good thing abt AragaMilk is that there is only 1 bottom to dose and it will not be as harmful as C-Bal in case of accidental overdose. This is just my own observation after trying out both.
  7. I was advise previously by a old technician from Aquatechnic years back not to use high flow pump as the pressure built in the coil may blow the pipe inside in the long run. My current RA680 which about 6 years old and still running great. The newer Teco like TR or TC model are design for high flow. Just that age has ctach up with it, and has some small leakage now which is why I'm looking for chiller. Just my 2 cents worth.
  8. No problem lah. I still have that. Can Frag for you if needed. Maybe you can drop by my place 1 of these days to check out my current nutrient-loaded tank.. Haha...
  9. Ok.. Maybe I should start digging deeper into my tank for another piece which could entice you!!! How about a frag of the pink zoos from tonga? Got it in the last Iwana shipment. I'm still conditioning them but they have started to open. Some has died off but still got about 50% opening. Hmmm.... good deal???
  10. Bro, Wau.. Your tank is getting better each day. Great Stuff!!! No small Prata to exchange. How about a SuperSun? Cheers!
  11. I have personally seen someone using 150W for his SPS tank and his SPS grow as well. Some of his SPS is even in mid water. His setup also uses a tunze wavemaker. Like what Bro MadMac say, clarity of the water is the key to this.
  12. Bro, what wrasse was that? Generally, only the bigger wrasse will attack the shrimp. Some ones like leopard wrasse, six-line do not attack shrimps.
  13. Thanks all Bro who is interested and had PM me. The fish is sold to Bro Loonz. Will update the next Bro if the fish become available again.
  14. Halo, Got a pcs of Midas Benny for sale. Been with me for 2 months+. Eat dry or frozen foods. Reason for selling is I got 2 pcs. Been chasing each other around and disturbing my corals with the dashing around.... Only $15 for this very healthy fish. 100% feeding condition else money back. Size: Abt 4" PM me if you are interested. Thomas
  15. Bro, This is reef safe. $5 bucks as stated in the post. But do note it will grow to quite a size if given the space.
  16. Place your elegance in mid water level if using MH. Flow should be slow to moderate and not direct from powerhead. Do take note that elegance is very sensitive to NO3. The chances of surviving in a high NO3 tank is very low. In fact, it will be a great NO3 "live" test kit if you got deep pocket. hehe..
  17. I used to have 1 for nearly 3 years+. Eat a lot and grew a lot as I was having a 6 footer. Attacked my new anthias as well. No chance of adding another wrasse. 100% goner within 1 day. Their agression grew with the days they are in the tank. Suppose to pass over to Bro Colin when I move house but the fish decided to commit sucide that the night before collection.
  18. All SPS fans out there. Don't miss this opportunity to get some real nice SPS. I have seen it myself. Too bad, i have too many fishes. SPS cannot survive in it.
  19. Bro, if budget allow. You can try Deltec or AM. Both have good CRs. I'm using a running a Deltec PF601 CR myself. Not automated but not much maintenace either once you get the system going. Just some cleaning & top-up every 2-3 months depending on your load. You can try PF509 if your load is light else go for the bigger model to save for future upgrade. So the bigger the CR, the least the maintenance in term of top-up/cleaning. You can contact Seet at Reef Depot. He can recommend you the best solution. In my own opinion, he provided first class customer experience and advise not just for his product only.
  20. Read properly.. is AP850. AP851 is an upgrade of AP850.
  21. Yes. This is a very good product for maintenance as well. Just half the dosage. Buy the dry AragaMight as it is more worth the $$$ than the AragaMilk in the long run.
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