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Everything posted by thomas_lim

  1. This is just for info. Anyone buying this anthia please note that you will need to house them under chilled water condition. Preferably 26 deg C and below to ensure survivor. Cheers!
  2. Hi quick check with you folks, is the temp controller set to +/- 1 deg C or it can be set to +/- 2 deg C? My understanding is that chiller are designed to run for a longer period of time then stop rather then kick in and out in short frequency as the frequent start/stop will "kill" the chiller faster. Any chiller expert out there can help verify if what if this theory I said is incorrect or correct?
  3. Will do.. I presume you interested in that as well. Will pass to FOC if I ever catch it since you are so easy going.
  4. Updated: Thanks to all who have shown interest in this sale. Sorry to disappoint you all. Tangs sold to Bro DeadmanZ and collected. Anthia not taken is also reserved. Bro DeadmanZ, Do let me know if the fishes ain't feeding. Cheers! Thomas
  5. All PMs replied. Tangs currently reserved except the free anthia. Will update if not taken by buyer.
  6. Bro, replied your PM. Please let me know ASAP. Txs.
  7. Thanks Bro w3ish3ng for the compliment. The YT is abt 3.5"+. Slightly bigger than the convict tang.
  8. Need to clear off by this weekend. Both fishes for $50. PM me if interested party and willing to match the price. Price is a bit high due to fishes in good eating condition and have been kept for more than 3 years. See to believe the condition. FOC: anthia in the pic as well if buyer is interested.
  9. Sorry to all who has PM me. The fish escaped from the cage and I have only manage to re-capture it. Sorry, I need to let go the convict tang togther with my other yellow tang. About the same size. Very well fed and kept. Eat both dry and frozen food. No protruding bones.
  10. No worries then. Will pass on to another reefer who has express interest. Give me a buzz on the zoos. I will be away the following weekend so we see how you can manage the timing. Cheers!
  11. Both still going strong. In fact, the bigger one killed several other leopard wrasses which I tried to add on. I have given up trying.. Too cruel liao. But no issue with other wrasses as long as it is not spotted. Sigh...
  12. Halo, Had to let go a convict tang due to recent frequent fighting resulting in torn fins. (see Pic) Very fat and healthy. See to believe. Been with me for more than 3 years liao. Size about 3.5". Price neg. Important is must be interested in this breed of tang.
  13. Colin, You still interested in any anthias? I need to let go another male anthias, similiar to the one I pass you previously only smaller in size. About 70% compare to the old one. If not, I will post and give it away. This guy oleadi eating mysis/flak/pellet food. With me for 3 over months. Very stable. Please give me a call. Sorrie, misplaced ur mobile number. Can pass you a frag of the rasberry zoos as well. But colour not intense yet.
  14. Sorry, I didn't check this thread earlier. The person tank is a 2LX2BX1.5H using just 1 150W-10K Giesemann Nova II lightset. Light is placed abt 8inch off the surface. The SPS are placed in mid water level. Light do play a part in browning out but the biggest culprit is the nutrient level. Suggest you try Monti first. They are more easy in tank with a bit of nutrient. IMO, i think they prefer tank with some nutrient.
  15. Chris, how old is your tank? IMO, if your tank is not mature enough. Ich problem will always persist. Not trying to boast here. I have started reefing since '95 but just join SRC couple months back. From my experience, a matured tank has a higher survival rate and lesser ich issue. Will suggest you wait till your tank is about at least 9 months old before trying any powder tangs.
  16. Halo, not sure how old is your tank. But itch do appear more commonly in newly established tank. Once your tank has matured with proper system running. Est about 9 - 12months. The itch thing generally become lesser issue. Putting in a new fish into a mature tank may also be a casue for itch outbreak. Just my 2 cents worth.
  17. What your feeding habit like? Red Slime are usually cause by high nutrient. You still feed market prawn for your prata/cyna? Try to reduce the feeding, the cyna need little feeding if your water condition is ok and steady. Watch out your bio load as well. Take note tangs eat and shit a lot and not necessary help a lot with algae cleaning. Go some mushrooms & other small corals which I can past you if you are interested. Need to clear some space for my SPS. Give me a buzz.
  18. I'm currently keeping 1 yellow neon goby. With me for about 4 months. This is my 4th neon goby. My first neon goby was with me for more than 3 years with my old tank. Died when I shift house 6 months ago. Think cannot tahan the stress. So I bought 3 pieces at once 4 months back and 2 of them died after just 1 week+. I do notice they tend to fight after the get used to the tank. So advice to other out there to just get 1 piece if you can. Just my observation, unless you can get a pair(male+female). You need to slowly acclimatize them to your tank water and release them as near to the rock as possible so they can hide and get used to your tank environment. Just sharing my view.
  19. Halo, Thanks for the the friendly price for the SPS I bought. The blue SPS is more vibrant now. Very friendly and honest reefer. Getting fewer these days. Thomas
  20. I would support Jervis & Alien pricing. It really depend on how long you have been a customer of the LFS. They do give some discount at times. Especially if you are buying the left over from a shipment.
  21. Hi, Anyone selling their used 250W MH? New or used. SE type preferred. Please PM the price and type. Thanks, Thomas
  22. Upzz... Any blue or rainbow monti out there?
  23. Thanks ettin & Blenny. I managed to got the orange monti liao from another reefer. Still looking for other monti. Anyone out there selling spare or willing to frag theirs?
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