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Everything posted by thomas_lim

  1. Polling Week again! Any President Fish sold here... Those you can eat in Taiwan... LOL
  2. Guys, Please appreciate when someone update their finds in whichever particular LFS. Unnecessary comments can lead to negative response even thou it may be harmless or just for fun.
  3. As per stated in the topic. Please PM or SMS me at 96836545 if u had one to let go. Thanks! Thomas
  4. 2 shrimps back after first buyer back out due to large angels in his tanks.
  5. All Shrimps reserved. Will update if buyer back out.
  6. Collection will be in West Coast/Pasir Panjang Area. (Near Haw Par Villa) 2 reserved pending collection tonight. Left 2
  7. Selling my over-grown Sri Lanka cleaner shrimp due to space constraint. Super healthy, commando trained. Went thru cycle of medical treatment in my main tank. Size est : 2.5" (excluding the "antenna") Will try to take photo soon. Price : $20 ea. (4 pieces only) Interested buyer please PM me or SMS me at 96836545. Preference to folks i know. Pilot please stay away.
  8. 1 of them is about 1". Head to tail. Body only is abt 1cm+. Super tiny! 8 red for those interested to buy.
  9. Look good. Should be fine in your great care
  10. Wau... got "drag in" for nothing ar... Like i mentioned, it is a nice fish but very very difficult.. and you happen to get the right one at the right moment.
  11. Bets bet will be Aquamarin or DE lighting. Both are sponsors of this forum. Check their banner and call them to enquire on stocking.
  12. PH is just an indicator of the water parameter. What you should do is physically see the behaviour of your livestock. Don't worry too much if they stay healthy and look normal to you. Meanwhile, try raising your MG level if it is too low as it may be a factor on you trying to raise the PH. Also, remember too much poo poo from your fishes will also lower PH. You will need a more efficient skimmer to counter this effect of fish poo. As earlier mention, if life stock is fine. Don't over worry yourself.
  13. Not a bad idea.. then i can inherit the stuffs!!!
  14. Don't be shy... Your stocking or i should say over stocking and survival rate is top notch too
  15. No worries. Your eyes not failing you. The male and 1 female sold! So left over 2 X female. Not me who buy thou. I wish i had.
  16. U forgotten to add the 2 X female Watanabe's Angel just release from quarantine this afternoon at CF. No male if u wanna ask.
  17. Lousy tank can "see people".. Unlike the old tank Will try to snap and show u
  18. Looking good Bro. Nice seeing you today after so long.
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