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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. Hi all, I've got a monti cap colony (mother colony) and some frags of it for sale. Growing too large for my tank. Kept only a few small frags for myself coz it grows too fast for my 2 feet tank. I've got a 4 inch crocea clam for sale too. All the livestock have been with me for at about 4 months. 1) 1 Orange monti cap (mother colony; 5 by 3 inches): $35 2) 3 frags of orange monti cap (1 inch): $10 each 3) 1 frag of 5 cent coin sized orange monti cap: $5 4) 4 inch crocea: $30 Interested parties pls PM me or contact me directly at 97689935. Collection at Spottiswoode Park (Near SGH). Priority given to those who can collect tom. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for sharing!!...Something new learnt again...
  3. Another pic of them being blown around in my tank.
  4. Another picture of them being blown around in my tank
  5. Decided to post this here in addition to the one in my thread to get more views: Anyone has experience of sally light foots spawning? Saw mine spawned last night right after metal halides are turned off. They are about the size of a full stop. Can't really see if the crabs gave birth to live crabs or eggs. Really interesting behavious by the crab. Very much similar behavious to my cleaner shrimps spawning as well. The white particles are the eggs/baby crabs(not sure which is which) which i managed to take picures of. My clownfishes went into a frenzy...
  6. Anyone has experience of sally light foots spawning? Saw mine spawned last night right after metal halides are turned off. They are about the size of a full stop. Can't really see if the crabs gave birth to live crabs or eggs. Really interesting behavious by the crab. Very much similar behavious to my cleaner shrimps spawning as well. The white particles are the eggs/baby crabs(not sure which is which) which i managed to take picures of. My clownfishes went into a frenzy...
  7. I think that's enough flow. Maybe others can give some comments too. Some might feel it is too little or too much. DB and Creetin: Thanks for the encouraging comments guys!... Creetin, still owe you one for your very nice purple monti. Growing very well so far.
  8. Hi Gouldian, Nope, if you look carefully enough, you'll find another powerhead on the top left hand corner of my tank. hehe. took the photos such that they dun look too obvious My powerhead's about 1000l/h, M620 about 2400l/h and return pump about 1500l/h. Total flow about 4900l/h for a 30 gallon. So I think should be enough for my tank...
  9. full tank shot... that's all for now
  10. Upper half of my tank..no new corals though. Fragged my orange monti and glued it below my green staghorn though. Mother colony growing too big for my tank.
  11. new acquisition...sold my maze brain to make space for this fellow
  12. $25...really lowest I can offer. PM or contact me directly at 97689935 if interested... Thanks. collection tonight preferably.
  13. Still available. Price reduced to $30. Need to clear asap.
  14. Here's the pic. Selling at cost. Bought it from the banned shop. Been with me for around 5 months $40. Size of an adult clenched fist. Collection tomorrow morning at spottiswoode park. Contact me at 97689935 for faster deal. Will be out whole day. So won't be able to reply to PMs...Thanks!
  15. Hi all, Just wanted to share this interesting article from RC...kindda reminds me of the hype and trends that we so often see over in our forum too. As well as the frequent usage of certain names to coral specimens or clams llike the 'so-called' ultra this and that... this hypes or trends ultimately translates to exhorbitant price hikes which the consumers will shoulder. Good materials to reflect upon in being educated consumers as the article has mentioned. Any thoughts? I definitely agree though... http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-02/ac/index.htm
  16. I think it's pretty common for some acros to show white growth tips. I posted some pics on my tank thread. you might wanna compare? My birdnest and staghorn's growth tips are white... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...hl=mellow&st=90
  17. nice lights!! good luck to your sales.... hehe...
  18. Thanks DA....quite surprised by the clams that came in lately...though most are gaping badly...
  19. nope...just normal yellowish body with orangy tips...
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