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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. Thanks Ashwin and Sherman for the tips! Ashwin, noted on the point. I'll go buy some liquid magnesium later. U guys know which places sell Kent Tech M?
  2. Round 3 of my fight against green hair algae has begun, though I haven't identified the type still. After a chat with a reefer who came my place recently, I've decided to elevate my magnesium level using seachem reef advantage salt which includes both chloride and sulphate. I'll be increasing about 100mg/l everyday. I'll be documenting my parameters here whenever I test water and also give my best observation of the situation. PH: 8.4 before lights out. Using ph pen Specific gravity: 1.026 using refractometer The below were tested using salifert. Magnesium: 1380 (previously 1310) Calcium: 460 (previously 425) Carbonate: 8.7 (previously 10.2) Phosphate: undetectable (previously undetectable) Nitrate: undetectable (previously 0.2) I'll attempt to bump it magnesium to 1500 minimally and by Monday to 1600 before holding it there for a few weeks. Wish me luck! Meantime, I'll still perform fortnightly water changes and my usual routine like plucking algae physically etc.
  3. Hi folks, I have an accidentally large frag of a orange monti digi for sale. Size is about 6 inch height with multiple branches. Pictures taken when it was just broken, thus polyps are retracted. Can be assured polyp extension is very good. Collection at fernvale crest along jalan Kayu road anytime today or after 8pm tomorrow. Can request bros to bring own bag or container as I've run out of bags. Plead PM me to confirm. Thank you.
  4. Hi Sherman, thanks for sharing the tips. I'll try it if the algae issue does not subside in another 2 months. Appreciate it!
  5. Hey bro, yea tested but reading was undetectable based on test kit. Registered 0 on salifert. Yup I will persist and keep my phosphate low for now. See how long the leaching might take
  6. Hey bro, keen to know how the magnesium elevating is? Did it manage to clear the gha already and did u specifically use Kent Tech Magnesium? Thanks in advance for sharing.
  7. Try red slime remover? Works like a charm but last time I used, my monti suffered a bit. I have left overs if u want. Can pass u for free if u want. Only thing is skimmer goes crazy when its added, so must tune lower water level before using
  8. Yes definitely PO4 issue bro which has singled out. Suspect leaching from rocks which I'm still trying to ride out.. apparently when there is equilibrium with water column. The water column registers 0 for phosphate reading on salifert test kit. I'm wondering if having a little phosphate in water column might help reach equilibrium faster. Haha.
  9. Brothers in arm in fighting this nuisance. Haha. Yea, sea hare is super good but my earlier ones somehow don't survive well in my tank. Luckily the current one is a survivor. Are you planning to try the elevated magnesium approach?
  10. Hi Ashwin, thanks. Yea I was so tempted to try the magnesium one using Kent tech but apparently it is more effective on bryopsis but if it is other types of algae, it doesn't work. Have you tried it yourself and how was it? Didn't dare to try partly because I read that some RC members didn't see success as it was a bit hit and miss and some also mentioned the bryopsis coming back weeks later. I'm also worried it might the elevated levels may stress corals or skew my parameters. Any advice on that? I think I see light with all of your good inputs! First step is to identify the algae I think.
  11. Hmm. Not sure man honestly. I saw fern like shape actually but couldn't be certain also. I thought gha is just the generic name for the various possible species including der? Not too good with this honestly. I think it will help if I can have a good Id to the species also. Any thoughts bro?
  12. In my frustration, I stripped off a large part of gsp on my tank glass due to a patch of bryopsis. Haha. Botak now. Was really tempted to sell it off as it was like a super big piece of skin intact with polyps...shall spare anyone from inheriting my algae. Haha.
  13. The fight with bryopsis continues but at least not spreading and concentrated at high flow area surprisingly. Still had a hard time deciding if it is actually bryopsis or derbesia though. Been reading that elevated magnesium to levels of 1600 to 1800 might even help but as usual,still a big debate whether it is the magnesium or other elements like sulphate as only certain products like Kent Magnesium with sulphate elements work. After much reading, I suspect it is due to phosphate leaching from the rocks which much take a while to balance out with the lower phosphate levels in water column which has insignificant reading. Good thing is the interim measure of a hard working sea hare and kole tang and the clean up crew keeps it from spreading for now, coupled with weekly physical picking off the algae from the rocks.
  14. Recently bought a yellow fiji leather.
  15. Tank cabinet door at the top got chipped recently as the hinges(the one with hydraulics on the top left) came loose and got misaligned with the cabinet. Does anyone have contacts to carpenters who are willing to just help change out the door or reface of the cabinet? Any idea of the cost as well? Super heart pain man. Many thanks folks!
  16. Usually 2 part additives like C Balance or even calcium reactor should maintain ionic balance if u are just taking about the main ones like calcium, carbonate and magnesium. However, they first have to be balanced in the sense that the parameters are all optimal already before using the products. If not, using the products will not help. Water change may or may not balance out because it also depends on the quality of the salt mix but it could help reset parameters a little.
  17. Many aquacultured sps left at aquamarin and also a couple of nice pencil wrasse, branch hammer, bubble, mushrooms and sea hare to devastate algae issues. Small yellow eye kole tangs also at iwarna.
  18. Many beautiful wild sps at iwarna. Also a lot of small yellow tangs, yellow fiji leather and flame angels as of this afternoon. Didn't ask about pricing though
  19. Looking fantastic as ever bro! Love the new scape and insane colours to your corals too!
  20. Very well said bro! Really enjoy your writing!! Something very poetic about it somehow, that probably comes from deep within your life experience. Absolutely enjoy people who write well, hearing real stuff and those without b.s. basically. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences too! I really appreciate that![emoji4]
  21. Tentatively reserved. Thanks for all the interest
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