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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. Left with red brain and christmas worms
  2. Christmas tree worm/porites??? :$30 (sellling at half its cost. Got it from AA) (Size about 4 by 2.5 inches) As I just shifted it, they all have retracted. The crown of the worms are mostly red, with a couple of yellow ones and pink. Will try to take another pic when they are out. They are hosting on some kind of porites mostly brown but some parts showing a bit of purple.
  3. Red brain: $20 (slightly bleached at the bottom as a result it being too near my 250w MH. No receding tissue though. Should regain its colour in no time.)
  4. Did some rescape and couldn't find space for these corals. They have been with me for a couple of months. Collection at Spottiswoode Park either tonight or tomorrow morning. Priority given to those who can collect earliest.... Thanks! Can contact me at 97689935 or PM. Hammer: $8 (2 heads)
  5. Erm..I think that should be the overly exposed shot of the purple monti frag you were referring to Lousy photographic skills...
  6. I've got no idea what damsels they are. Yup, I think they're really cute. And cheap too. Got them at reborn if you want any.
  7. Hope it doesnt bore you guys. Second last pic..
  8. Some side picture. Left side of tank... Creetin: Decided to frag your purple monti cap too as seen by the overly exposed coral. Hopefully will become a small colony soon.
  9. Decided to take a risk. Bought a brown monti. The polyps are purple though. Hopefully the body will colour up one day. Background are some of my leftover monti frags. Sold off the mother colony last week coz it was growing too big.
  10. Decided to buy a small school of damsels.... hopefully they won't terrorize the rest
  11. Awesome...... Gotta see your new tank one day man DB bro....
  12. All reserved. Will update again if anyone backs out. Thanks!
  13. 1) 1 Orange monti cap (mother colony; 5 by 3 inches): $35 Reserved 2) 3 frags of orange monti cap (1 inch): $10 each 1 frag left 3) 1 frag of 5 cent coin sized orange monti cap: $5 4) 4 inch crocea: $30 Reserved Interested parties pls PM me or contact me directly at 97689935. Collection at Spottiswoode Park (Near SGH). Priority given to those who can collect tom. Thanks!
  14. 1) 1 Orange monti cap (mother colony; 5 by 3 inches): $35 Reserved 2) 3 frags of orange monti cap (1 inch): $10 each 3) 1 frag of 5 cent coin sized orange monti cap: $5 4) 4 inch crocea: $30 Interested parties pls PM me or contact me directly at 97689935. Collection at Spottiswoode Park (Near SGH). Priority given to those who can collect tom. Thanks!
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