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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. Transferred my long serving normal clowns over today too
  2. I meant not pleased with the placement
  3. Got a cauliflower today but not very placed with its placement. Will use this weekend to fiddle with it once it stabilises in my tank
  4. Updates on water parameters: Managed to bump up sg and dKH but calcium and mg is still low. Sg: 1.022 Calcium: 380 dKH: 10.9 Mg: 960
  5. thanks bro for the lead! Appreciate it!
  6. Hi guys, does anyone have any available for sale or can direct me to somewhere which sells that? Appreciate any help on that. Thanks in advance!
  7. Current parameters still really low. Will use the new week to bump this up to levels that I want. Good news is I've rigged up my bubble magus dosing pump and can now automate the process. If only there is a way to make testing of water easier.: Mg: 990 Calcium: 360 dKH: 6.8
  8. Notice development of diatoms as with most new tanks. Slowing down purchases further till things stablizes further an after I get my parameters right
  9. Bought a really nice branch octopus from aquamarin at a good price. Helps that it is 2 mins drive from my new place. But parking seems scarce there
  10. Will be doing a 10% water change with Fritz salt later before I attempt to do anything more soon
  11. More snails. Got a spiny astrea snail from ah beng yesterday too
  12. Got 2 fishes as well. A fairy wrasse ( not sure if the name is right) and an algae blenny. Pardon the pictures as only the blue lights are turned on now
  13. First 3 corals. A jewel, red cynarina and a yellow tip torch. Will try to spruce up my 2nd island slowly before going on to my first island which will have more sps due to the stronger flow at that area
  14. amazing growth and tank!! Real inspiration to reefers!
  15. Thanks guys. Guess life is really fragile. Do take care of our own health to enjoy the finer (reefing) things in life and the company of our loved ones. Enjoy the reefing Sunday. Will update soon if I get any thing from the farm later
  16. hi Wilson, thanks for the encouragements. Hope this will be a successful tank too. Reason why I had so much time to do research was that I was on 2 months mc after a heart attack after a run to train for IPPT at the age of 32. Haha. Unbelievable.... More unbelievable is the cause is congenital and my arteries which are too big cause blood to flow slower, coagulates more easily, clot, and ultimately my heart attack. So now gotta take full use of my second lease at life. Been very blessed to be alive still.
  17. thanks guys for the advice. Get to save some money from that perhaps for a little while more
  18. hi bro, thanks for the suggestion. Any idea why there is no need to do a test on water at this point? Just curious as I don't think those parameters will vary much before or after cycling.... Unless of course, like you mentioned, if I do a 50% water change with a good salt mix. But good that I have an indication of my NSW parameters too I guess. Haha. Thanks!
  19. hi bro, thanks for the suggestion. Any idea why there is no need to do a test on water at this point? Just curious as I don't think those parameters will vary much before or after cycling.... Unless of course, like you mentioned, if I do a 50% water change with a good salt mix. But good that I have an indication of my NSW parameters too I guess. Haha. Thanks!
  20. Updates on water parameters... The perils I using NSW to start a tank is the unusually low readings of the essentials. SG: 1.021 Calcium: 380 dKH: 6.6 Mg: 945 Will try to bump them up further over next few days using C balance. Hopefully by Sunday so that at least can go farm look see. Haha
  21. bro, u are so right. My hands are already itching big time but must control till I get my water parameters right. Haha
  22. Next up. Testing of basic parameters before setting up my dosing regime. Will post updates here once testing is done
  23. My first inhabitants in preparation for any algae bloom. Clean up crews consisting of a blue legged hermit, couple of naussarius snails and turbo snails. Always felt that effectiveness have been understated
  24. Aftermath of pouring the can of rowapgos directly into FR before rinsing. Caused lots of dirt accumulation at the bottom of the sump. Managed to do one water change and suck out the dirt today and thankfully the skimmer did its job pretty well too
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