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Everything posted by Cedric

  1. Great news! Glad to hear you got everything worked out!
  2. Hi! Remember me? Your tank rocks!
  3. Aqualine (AB) too blue? Unless you are talking about the 20k? THe 10 k is nice white, the 20k I have no experience. (All my experience is with 150w)
  4. OIC, in that case Loadnready, I think it best you open your own thread to discuss about your idea of using iceprobes. Not nice to hijack other people's thread.
  5. I think it will be very difficult for the standard T1000 but not impossible. However, I very much doubt that the pump will have enough power to pump water the extra distance out the sump, to the ps and back. I would advise against it.
  6. What about Aqualine and Megachrome? Pretty good bulds I would say. I'm using both of them (150 Watts). Nice crisp white.
  7. Ice probe??? Forgive me but I'm totally lost. Since when and where does it come into the discussion of this thread about the diy sump tank? I thought Ice probe is for chilling the tank (although I have reasons to believe it will not work very well in cooling our tanks in Singapore ). Please enlighthen me!
  8. Thank you to all who have shown interest in the chiller. Its been sold. Cheers!
  9. Hi alois, correct me if I am wrong, the 6100 has a DC motor which coupled with a controller that varies the power supply, can vary the power output of the stream. In no way is the stream being switched on and off. A SEIO is using a AC motor which does not allow for power variation hence no "wave" making. To compare them is not comparing apples to apples. Switching them both on and off will probably kill them both. Hence I don't think it is fair to say a SEIO will not last as long. (YET)
  10. Cool! Can teach me how to make one?
  11. Such things happen quite frequently in Singapore. I've seen quite a few from the Changi Control Tower.
  12. Cool it! Nobody is saying that TUNZE is lousy. Just that alois may not have read his instruction manual carefully or may have misunderstood or forgottened that tunze or not, it also cannot be turned on and off frequently else it will fail as well. Which is what Maxima is trying to tell us, compare apples to apples, oranges to oranges. If both a tunze and SEIO is turned off and off repeatedly, both will probably fail just the same.
  13. OIC, you spoke like you own an ATMAN too!
  14. I think the second pic is better. Reason being every 90 degree elbow can contribute up to / around 30% headloss. (cannot remember) The less elbow the pump has to push through, the better.
  15. Wow Lightningstrike, you beat me to it. Have you figured out what SHF is in the circuit diagram? By the way, there is a very stiff metal contact connected to the top of the rotary compressor for earth. Before you attempt to dismantle the ATMAN's controller, disconnect it first or else you will break it. (I found out the hard way and had to solder in a replacement myself.) The way its connected actually helps to dampen the vibrations of the compressor so be careful!
  16. Yes, That is definitely true!!! Thank you weileong for correcting me. The only down side is that the physical water reservoir (where the titanium coil is) of the ATMAN is very small (probably explains why its so cheap), when I stripped my ATMAN to inspect the innerds, I notice the probe was wired in from underneath the reservoir but of course the probe could be any where inside the reservoir. I also tried reversing the flow directions to reduce the frequent cut in and out, but experienced no difference. So if you use a higher flow rate pump (up to 2000l/hr according to manufacturer recommendations) . . . You get the pic. By the way weileong, do you own an ATMAN too?
  17. Hi, I think you got the previous version without the "IN" and "OUT" on the casing. On my ATMAN, it is PVC molded into the casing "IN" and "OUT". The "out" is the one nearer the front panel. The "in" is the one nearer the heat exhaust. Frankly, I don't think it matters.
  18. Hi alois, are you running the tunze stream yourself?
  19. I have one! See here: Chiller. Do consider.
  20. Hi alois, can I know exactly why are you saying that the new SEIO will not last as long as a tunze stream? Just like to find out what special insights you might have that preluded the rest of us.
  21. bump. Price of $400 is neg. PM me your best offer.
  22. Very similar to the turbo skimmer by marine sources from Octopus bay.
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