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Everything posted by juscool

  1. Thanks Augustine, You mean it relocates itself? Yeah I think you are right about them growing fast. Cos it looks longer than when I got it a week ago.. But was I find extremely interesting is that sometimes it goes completely limp , flacid if I might describe it..almost like its asleep...this is normal behaviour? Or is it because it is stressed from water conditions etc
  2. What you you guys feed your mandarins? Brine shrimp? Cos mine just died...prob from starvation.
  3. Hi All, I dont know the name for it. But I just bought a soft coral that looks like a tree with cauliflowers.. Overnight, its has became droppy...I thought maybe it requires stronger flow of current, so I moved it down to the sand bed. Any ideas how to imrprove the health of this coral? Does it require more light? Cheers
  4. Thanks for the info! Will dig out that warranty card..
  5. Hi, Any bros have experience with the lighting on the 24G NanoCube. I just bought my cube like a month ago. It comes with 4 lights. 2 white and 2 blue. Today I found out that 2 tube where not working. After unscrewing the clear cover, I was able to determine that its the ballast thats giving the problem the tube are working fine.. But I was not able to unscrew the ballast to have a look at the wiring...seems like its not meant to be opened, as the screw have a nut on the inside.. Anyone with experience in this can help? Or is ther another problem that I'm not aware off? Thanks
  6. Hi, Normally, I would take a whiff of it, if it smells bad, I owuld chuck the entire sponge. I have changed like 80% of my water with seawater from the LFS. But still, I am noticing white spots forming on the rest of my soft corals and LR. I tried scrapping off the white spots..and placing it where the flow is strong. Is this the right way of curing them? I'm not sure if the fast flow will spread the white spots to the rest of the healthy LR?
  7. Hey Jeff, Hows your nano coming along. I'm having a nano too. But I'm buildoing from scratch. I'm have some causualties already. 4 shrimps, blue sponge, my fan is going now..I suspect its the water..
  8. Dont have my camera with me at the moment. Please let me know if starfish are known to attack sponges. Cos the mother has moved its way into a huge sponge...
  9. Hi All, Today I noticed a baby star fish and its huge mother crawling out from under the rock of my seafan. Its green, whispy and black stripes? Are these reef friendly? Or are they sponge destroyers. Also I noticed flatworms are crawling out of rocks..the last time this happened cos the LR was turning bad... I dont have a kit with me at them moment to take any ammonia readings. But its this a bad sign for the experienced reefers when worms come out of the rocks? Cheers
  10. Thanks, so you mean to say the blue will not grow back tpo the parts that have turned white? What a waste...it was a nicely foremd blue sponge...okay will put it under the knife..
  11. You mean they need water? ... Just kidding...Yeah I did. Checked them this morning, they are still alive. Come and get them today. Please SMS me whoever's interested, thanks.
  12. Hi Bros. I'm new to the reef rearing. Can someone give the run down intro on the Pasir Ris Farmway Reef Farms? Thanks. Cheers
  13. Dear Reefers, I have a blue sponge that started turning white all of a sudden. And another huge sponge that is partially turning white with slimy coating. What do I do?? Do I remove the sponge entirely to avoid cpontaminating thes rest? Or do I cet of the parts that are infected? Are these sgns of imminent death of a sponge? Thanks!
  14. Thank Panzz & Tineng, Thats the one I was talking about. You saved me alot of problems, cos I have a nano ! = ) Happy New Year!
  15. I dont know the name, but they are purplish and one has lime green stem. Msg me at 97434185. I have left them out of tank, so hope you get them by tomorrow before they die. SMS me quick. You have to pick them from the East.
  16. Now I'm getting worried, I removed one today and am planning of removing the other. I'm giving it up FREE for ADOTPION. Anyone interested? They look too healthy to part with, but I guess its for the good of the tank.
  17. Thanks augustine..So you dont think 3 is too many for my 1.5 feet tank?Anyways, I think one big anemone has crawled up and it is killing my sponges. I will attemtp to remove it to a rock instead. My blue sponge is also truning white now. My tanks has been circling for approx 2 weeks..
  18. Hi, I found some of these floppy clown fishes really cute. I think they are called 'AGoGo'. Anyone has successfully kept them? Is it true they are fussy eaters? Do they hang around anemones like the rest of the clowns? Thanks..looking forward to your feedback.
  19. Hi all, a Happy New Year to All. I'm new to the hobby, recently, I stared a 24 Nano. I wanted to place an anemone and a clown fish in it. Usually, anemones are going like 55-100 in the LFS. But I stumbbled across a good deal where I could get 3 for $10. So it was a stael for me to resist. Making sure I got small ones so as not to overcrowd my tank. But now I'm worried that its too many...cos clown and anemone prawn died the very next day, does the venom actually get deposited as they move around the tank and its stinging my other fishes to death...can anyone advise?
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