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Everything posted by juscool

  1. Is this true? Cos, I'm experiecing the same algae bloom as well.
  2. could be that the fishes are hanging around it. Happened to my coco as well earlier in the week.
  3. Confused here weather both of you are talking about the same sponge. 1) Sponge like in Blue and Red Sponge 2) Sponge like in for the filters (ie. white filter sponges you put in filters)
  4. 1. cityofangels - Siglap 2. Maxstar81 - Pasir Ris 3. Dazza - Siglap 4. Cedric - Bedok 5. crany - Pasir Ris 6. tcs9423-haig road (tanjong katong) 7. keithtty - marine parade 8. mUAr_cHEe - Potong Pasir/Macpherson 9. ryanlio - Eunos 10. newmarine - Chai Chee 11.Flame-Tail - Siglap 12. Blueheaven - Pasir Ris 13. klim - Pasir Ris 14. Copperband- geylang east, aljunied 15. Kotobuki - Bedok/Chai Chee 16. Kaykay - Bedok Reservoir 17. Zehuan - Bedok Reservoir 18. k0nascab - Eunos 19. Bob - Pasir Ris 20. Icecold - Bedok 21. Jeromey - Pasir Ris (Jalan Loyang Besar) 22.NavIgatoR-Bedok 23. Happy - Bedok Reservoir 24. Southpaw23 - Bedok 25. Bluering-Bedok Rd 26. Kamiru - Bendemeer 27. Lee- Pasir Ris (Elias) 28. madmac - Loyang, Changi 29. Andylee - Bedok 30. gny - Tampines 31. shootsimon - Bedok Reservoir View 32. tobylai586 - Pasir Ris 33.c0ol - Eunos(joo chiat) 34.bubble_gum - kembangan 35. spoon -tampines 36. cowgum - telok kurau 37 zerocool - joo chiat 38. acidjazz - elias 39. circus tank - bedok south 40. w3ish3ng - tampines 41. scs88 - Changi 42. Horizonventures(Ben) - Pasir Ris 43. Tineng - Telok Kurau 44. FuEl - Marine Parade (Right at the eastern end). 45. aong - Haig Road 46. Kaze - Bedok 47. andysho - Bedok Reservoir 48. Keithtbb(Acanthurus Sohal) - Bedok South (Tanah Merah Kechil Rise) 49. morish!dol - Tampines 50. Hspirit - Bedok 51. Jacobus - Pasir Ris (elias road) 52. Bichub - Pasir Ris 53. Jasment - katong 54. chercm - Pasir Ris 55. chrisyew - Tampines 56. monki - Tampines 57. loowk - Tampines 58. Qxnviolet - Anchorvale Sk - considered east? 59. aftermath - circuit road(macpherson estate) 60. totoro17 - Pasir Ris 61. Juscool - Bedok Reservoir View (C.Water)
  5. Dear All, I have a problem with algae growth on my glass thought. Its like I need to clean it once every 2 -3 days. I think its phytoplanktons that I have added has some major contributing factor. (Need this confirmed by you experts). What is the best LiveStock to add to a nano that will place the algae in check? I know turbo snails are the best, but they can grow really fast and and may eventually move your LRs. I guess same problem with hermit crabs.. What about Cleaner shrimps...do they eat algae as well? Maybe a blenny...but do all blennies do the job of eating algae? Can anyone suggest a good blenny? There is a also a compatibility concern of the newbie with my current inhabitants as well. Dont want the new algae controller to stress existing LS or vice versa. Current Inhabitants : 1X Green Madarinfish, 1xFalse Percula, 3x BlueChromis, 1 yellow striped goby, 1X 2spot goby.
  6. Haha..Okayz. Nope sorry, dont know anyone selling 1 feet. But I think 1 feet lacks kick. Go for at least 1.5 feet Nano. Post on 'Pasar Malam' lah.
  7. Looks cool though...Its looks like its spawning...but do cocoworms spawn?
  8. Hi MSavy, Can you show how you did the modification with the hood? Cos if you remove the back, mean the entire hood will be removed , no? Would appreciate if you could share a pic. Thanks As for the green tip jewel, they were opening up happily till the clown decided to make it a home. S now its also reduced in size alot. But I guess its also a blessing..so that it wouldnt grown so big so fast. I guess as long as it is partially opened..it will feed itself sufficiently to stay alive. Cheers Justin
  9. Hi nakazoru, Well not too sure exactly what pods are. Are they the caroline algaecand stuff that grows out of them? But the mandarin is still busy nipping on the LR, I gurss he is happy. How can I ensure that I have sufficient pods? I have a problem with algae growth on my glass thought. Its like I need to clean it once every 2 -3 days. What is the best LS to add to a nano that will place the algae in check? I know turbo snails are the best, but they can grow really fast and and may eventually move your LRs. I guess same problem with hermit crabs.. What about Cleaner shrimps...do they eat algae as well? Maybe a blenny...but do all blennies do the job of eating algae? in advance
  10. Hi Javismun, Thanks for the compliment, I guess the scaping is from trial and error. I managed to find rocks that stacked well. Did find a need to glue any of them together. In fact the picks look larger than it really is. At the moment, I have still 1/3 of the height of the nano still empty, I guess I could stack more, but will wait and see if the bio load is stable first. Well the crash was due to novice mistake on my part, I bought some soft corals and sponges and wanted to make sure they had enough zoo planktons and phytos. So I guess I overdosed on the powder zoo & pytho ...thus learnt the hard way that too much zoo & phyto planktons can actually be bad for the reef. Everything started dying , first LS, then soft corals and eventually LR. Before I realised my mistake, my tank was reduced to 1/4 of scanvengable ones.. Now I switched to the ready mixed ones from the farm. It was a costly mistake and I guess I learnt a valuable lesson the hard way. Bro you are indeed a techie and a gadget whiz, I guess I have lots to learn from you. Will be watching your nano development closely, I hope to pick up some gizmo tips from you. Keep up the great work bro!
  11. Bro, Are you refering to your 4 feet tank? Wow, thats a huge tank to me...is it considered a nano if its more than 2.5 feet? Just curious
  12. Hi, Yeah I can vouch for that. I bought my nano from the Pasir Ris farm with stand for $350. I nearly got suckered into that Tampines mall package. Instead of paying the farm $200 for the setup, they persuaded me to do it on my own. I have no regrets, there is nothing like a customised tank that you can call your baby... But of course, I wouldnt be able to do it without the good advise from all the professional reefers on this forum. Thanks alot guys!
  13. Hi, Any pics? What's the full decode of the acronym 'upz'?
  14. Thanks for the analysis, M.Savy! You've been a great help.
  15. Hi, I'm a pretty new reefer, but how does Chaeto actually look like? Anyone's got a pic? Thanks.
  16. Hi M.Savy, Thanks for the info. Have you compared how CL280 match up to the IceProbe? How does the Iceprob work, I cant really figure out from the pic alone. Cheers
  17. Hi Marinesavvy, Thanks for the tip. Currently I have 7 fishes, but I plan to include one more cleaner shrimp. But first, I plan to monitor the nitrate level closely for the next 2 weeks. I think thats the max number, as the fishes may also grow. I made sure that I picked the small fishes and not big ones. But you are right, potentially when they are fully grown, they will contribute to the nitrate load. I'm looking at the possibility of a chiller if its not too expensive, but the fan that I'm using (timed with my lights), is keeping the temperature at an average of 27-28 degrees. So its still manageable at the moment. With the hotter months approaching, I may invest in a separate timer for the fan, to turn on more frequently apart from the current setup of 3-11pm. Do advise if you have a good recommendation on chillers that are compatible to the NC 24G. I understand some reefers had to modify their origianl covers to allow the tubings in. Cheers
  18. Bro, Nice tank! With the nano how did you manage to place the tubing from the Chiller in? Did you have to modify your tank? Btw how much did you pay for the chiller?
  19. Thanks bro Panz and Dazza, Yeah, it finally came out ofter lights out last night. SO I think its the fishes that were stressing the fella out. May try to relocate it where fish traffic is lower. Is the sand bed a good bet?
  20. Hi, Any reefers have had experience with pumping xenias? I think my blue chromis have been nipping off the heads of the xenias thinking they are some worms.. Any suggestions on what I should do? Move it under a hanging rock or something? What can I do to make the coral grow back again? Thanks!
  21. The specs & pics details are found in the website : http://www.aquabuys.com/miva/merchant.mvc?...e=nano_cube_24g 24 Gallon Curved Front Glass Aquarium JBJ 2 x 36 Watt CFL Lighting (72 Watts Total) 50/50 (10k/Actinic) Bulbs Included LED Nite-Vu Lights Included Remote Electronic Ballast w/ Disconnect Includes Dual Cooling Fans Built-in 3 Stage Filtration New ACCELA 266GPH Pump Improved Modular Surface Skimmer Intake Directional Return Nozzle Flip Top Canopy for Easy Maintenance Dimensions: 18” x 19.6” x 19.7” (LxWxH) 6 Month Limited Warranty from JBJ Lighting
  22. How can you tell if its stressed? It hasnt come out at all today...maybe I should move it else where...perhaps with less traffic from the fishes..and away from the light...maybe under a hanginf rock?
  23. I have 2 feather duster tube worms. Their shells are short thus, they are popping out most of the time. But as for my white coco worm, its got a really long calcerous shaft..therefore it spends most of its time inside. I'm tempted to carefully trim of the shaft to make it short, so as to make it easier for the coco worm to pop its head out. Has anyone done this before. Is it hardful to the worm even if we take extra care not to nip the worm when we are trimming the shell?
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