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Everything posted by juscool

  1. Would 2 feet be like risky for lion? You may get stung accidently when cleaning your tank.
  2. Hi letdoit, Did you take into consideration that PUB does a reading only quarterly, so the previous months are based on estimated only. Just my 2 cents. Cheers
  3. Look like you gotten yourself a really healthy 2 spots bro...enjoy it...its really fun to watch! You've probably seen this on their recommended diet.. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=216
  4. So Des Ne... Thanks Jervis, that definitely helps. Now I wonder what the other accessories MSavvy has in his tank..the black tubing..
  5. One morning I got shocked, thinking my boxer shrimp died..but it was actually the molted skin.
  6. Hi Jervis, Well, one reefer told me we need lotsa pods for this fella. But the Fish Farm guys are also perplex as tootheir short lifespan. One gave me the rule of thumb, or should I say finger. He said that if you buy one that is bigger than your last pinky finger, it will have a higher chance of survival. Average lifespan for mine are between 3-5 weeks. But its like a lucky draw, the last one really got down to 'vacuum' the sand once he was released.I guess he was really starving. I just bought anohter the other day, it just sat there and stoned. So it really depends on your luck. I guess as long as there are scraps in the sand , that will keep him going. I enjoy watching an active 2spots to a turbo anyday
  7. Hi MSavvy, I'm interested in your Nano setup. I notice you have a black tube running down the side. Whats that for? Auxiliary jet? Does it help? I was at the JBJ roadshow at Pasir Ris Pacific Marine. Their display tanks have a whole drilled from the back of the nanocube hood to allow the chiller tubes in. But the thing is they used the nano pump to circulate the water from the cube into the chiller and then the chiller output goes directly into the jet nozzle into the tank. This means they will not use the thermostat function of the chiller and the chiller will run 24/7? Thats not very economical. So I'm curous how you are achieving this with your chiller? Cheers
  8. Thanks Dieren, I hope you are right. Hmm...well I never thought about it. Here is a pic of when I first bought it.
  9. Hi, The clown fish undergone some stress lately and since then, it has some body changes. I'm not sure if its because it was in close proximity of the plate coral. But here are the pics for a second expert opinion from the forum experts.
  10. HI cci[RR]us, I've been trying to get my plate coral to host my clown, since I do not have anemone. Do your clowns ever go near your plate coral? Mine is like afraid to even touch it.
  11. Nice work Jervis, I was just at Pacific Marine there and they are having a Road Show there for JBJ products including Nanos and accessories. So you may be interested to pop-ny this weekend.
  12. So does this mean that since I'm using a Nano which does not have a skimmer, it doesnt apply to me in my case? That I should worry about NO3 and PO4 still?
  13. Was at the fish farm at Pasir Ris today. I wanted to look for something to reduce the PO4 in the tap water. But according to the owner she claims that she does the same for her display tanks as well..using overnight tap water. But she claims what's important to curb an algae problem are the follwing 3 factors : 1) Feeding too much frozen food can cause algae 2) Too much light can cause algae , I should reduce from 8 to 7 hours and see 3) I should increase my KH level I had no idea what my KH level was. So I got a test kit. I came home and my KH was lying somewhere at 7.5 Does this mean I have to bring it up with the KH liquids? What is the healthy range for KH? 12-14??? I need some enlightenment on this KH.
  14. How much does a sand dollar cost? I have not seen it in any of the Pasir Ris Farms. Anyone else has seen it in LFS recently?
  15. HAha..I was planning to do the same as well. I'm anyways using a Brita flask, I just need to get the filters...then it works for you and your reef at the same time
  16. Get the 2 Spot Goby and you will be facinated. This guy vacuums my sandbed like a hoover. Within a day, its all white and clean. No problem with sand shifting as you can easily shift it back since yoiu have a thin layer of sand. 2 spots disappears at night, but will work well for you. I bought my ###### shrimp for $4 each. You can get them at AquaMarine now. The ###### shrimp has taken my plate coral as host. Shifted the plate coral and the ###### followed.
  17. Recentlt my 3 chromis have gone into an attck frenzy. I thought they were on heat or something...cos two were targeting one. I presumed was the female. Since one died, I noticed another received an injury that looks nasty. Should I just leave it or do I have to quarantine it. They are still eating normally. What would some of you do?
  18. Yeah, 25 can go into the '<25' section..heh, sorry oversight on my part. Hope more ladies would balance the polls.
  19. Hi Colin, Yeah, it became like this for some weeks now. But I agree with you its hardier than the blue sponge. It really brightens up the tank as well. What I have been doing is invert it in the water and clean off the white skin gently with my fingers. It looks better after. Will booste the filter food ( assume its planktons) ..hopefully this will beef up the red sponge. Thanks mate!
  20. Hi godzillaliu88, I'm using a NanoCube 24 gallon. No Chiller, just a fan on a timer that keeps the temp between 26-28 degrees.
  21. Hi Maxstar81, Lucky for me, the Mandarin has started to take a liking for frozen brine shrimp, so he will be okay, as this will sustain him in the absence of pods.
  22. Hi, I was just in Tampines Mall and I normally drop by the aqauarium shop to have a look around. I was curious and ask the owner how he keeps the tanks so clean without the need to clean for algae? I noticed some turbo snails, but its impossible to keep the edges algae free. He disclosed that he uses a prodcut called INSTANT MUD by Aquafarm. It supposedly keeps the phrospate levels low and he says he HARDLY cleans his tank. I could ignore his sales pitch, but the tanks speaks for themselves. The nono glass seems crystal clear. http://www.aquapharmlabs.com/maintenance.htm I concerned what something like this will affect invertibrates and soft corals. Any reefers with experience with this product? Good or Bad?
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