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Everything posted by juscool

  1. Recently, my featherduster worms have started dropping their heads? Does it mean they are dead or whats causing this..anyone can shed some light?
  2. Thanks Bros..man, tough choice indeed..and the fact that Singtel is throwing in a free bluetooth ear piece worth $99 is not helping me at all... Anybody else got any reviews on the new Nokia 6280 ? I guess its new that why... Cnet is rating it 8.9 W800i 9.1 Close fight...
  3. Camera is not that important at the moment for me. But any techies out there that can elaborate on the difference between the OS. Sees Nokia is on 4.0 Symbiant OS S.Ericsson is on Java. Not sure what the pros and cons are on these differences.
  4. Hi All, I'm planning to upgrade my handphone wanting : 1) Radio 2) MP3 Player 3) BlueTooth connectivity 4) GPRS Any bros who have these phones and are hardcore followers can share their views on which is more superior? I'm currently carrying a Nokia 6230 and thus, address book portability comes up as a major slant towards the Nokia one.
  5. Hi All, I'm planning to upgrade my handphone wanting : 1) Radio 2) MP3 Player 3) BlueTooth connectivity 4) GPRS Any bros who have these phones and are hardcore followers can share their views on which is more superior? I'm currently carrying a Nokia 6230 and thus, address book portability comes up as a major slant towards the Nokia one.
  6. Maxstar! Great job! Realy like your LS! Keep thos e pics coming!
  7. Hi Jef, over 6 months did you change any of the carbon bags or ceramic chips in your filter. According to the JBJ dealer, we should change it after 3 months...not sure if she said that to booste sales...
  8. Woah..what a beauty! It looks like its got a stem of some sort.
  9. Hi , My 24G nano cube is still under warranty. One of the hood foldeable prop is broken. Anyone has a similar experience? Do the supplier replace this FOC? If not, where can I get a replacement. Any reefers out there who has discarded your hood would like to sell me your spare parts? Thanks
  10. Hi, I cant visualise how this works. Is this a submisible? how is this integrated to your tank? Please show a pic. Thanks
  11. Hi Jervis, Cool Clam! It looks really healthy! Hi Terryz, How can we distinguish a hairy mushroom from a yumas? If it from the mouth at the center for yumas?
  12. Hi, Maybe you can provide a pic and we can assess the situation. I know that they secrete some sticky thread to anchor themselves to the rocks... I manage to gently yank my scallop up and reposition them...I suggest that you position it on the sandbed with some small rocks around it...so they feel more 'secure' from other predators.. I'm not sure if it caused the Itch..will monitor my situtation as well....
  13. Hi Jervis, Thanks! Got mine from AM. Its the only one that was constantly producing electric charges. I could help by grab it before I left. I have also bought 2 more sexies, will post them later, Trying to create some team building exercises for them at the moment! Heheh I do not have dedicated actinic lights , its a combination with the white light that came with the nano cube. So they are turned on together. Yesterday as the lights went off, the scallop, closed up and went to sleep as well. But under the lights you can see the electric lights between its lips...totally awesome! Hi Maxstar, Thanks! I think you should place it in your 2 feet if you decide to get a scallop. My room temperature can average between 28-30 deg. But because the nano 24 gallons is small enough to be fan cooled rather quickly. So the range can be between 26-27.5 degrees. Its easily cooled because of the smaller size cos its only 1.5 feet. So for your 12g, it should be no problem as well to be fan chilled. I had to keep the hood up to mount the fan, cant close it after. I use two small pieces of styrofoam to prop the hood up. It also helps with the air circulation between the lights and the water surface to reduce heat accumulation & allow warm air to escape. Looking forward to see your nano developements! Good Luck!!
  14. Can anybody ID this? Not sure if this is a Yuma 0r a Hairy Mushroom?
  15. My new i-Zap...Zap zap phyto-plankton...zap zap boxer shrimp.
  16. I didnt know which & where to place it : 1) Sand Preferred 2) Low light, Medium Flow 3) Prevents it from moving too much, I place it in a corner to relax and chill (and more importantly not to move anywhere else. But the problem is that the boxer is terrorising it. Keeps checking the scallop insides for food. The scallop claps its shell to scare it off...but otherwise... its still zapping happily away..
  17. Hi Jerv, Oh no..too late...I just couldnt resist it...you can probably see why...
  18. Its called a Electric Flame Scallop...should be smaller and way cooler than a Maxima Clam. The link http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...cfm?pCatId=1525
  19. Man your equipment is is top class, at least you wont have problems with water and parasites. And the seafan is looking fantastic. Mine could not survive due to fluctuating temperatures... Actually if I had your technology, I would try having one of those clams that gives off electricity. Seen once in a display tank, under the actinic lights...it was awesome!
  20. Hows your sand looking? Spanking clean? Your 2 spots shouold be going for round 2 by now...
  21. Yeah looks like we are missing the Iwarna party... Well let see who has made any good buys in tomorrows postings.
  22. You can find Iwarna in this thread I posted today...courtesy of StreetDirectory.Com http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=46459&hl=
  23. Hi, Apart from anemones, which soft coral also stings. I'm sure some LS like anemone shrimps & fish are immune to their sting...but what about the others like : Types of Soft Coral Sting? (Y/N) 1) Plate Coral 2) Torch Coral 3) Bubble Coral 4) Cats Eyes 5) Frog Spawn 6) Hammers 7) Giopora 8) Xenia Did anybody's LS died because of contact with these?
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