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Everything posted by magix88

  1. Ok! Will use these as the guidelines when I DIY the siphon. Just inspected my "gate valve". Its a Ball Valve. Hope I can get everything up by end of next week
  2. My tank is place on a table where I cannot drill on the tank. The tank is sitting on my dad's antique table. Probably I will have to make sure the hole is not clog every now and then
  3. Due to work commitment my algea filter is not up yet. However my mind has been thinking of a possible flaw/problem which I believe I will encounter with my design and also similiar with many of the fellow reefers if we use the same concept. I am deploying a PVC tube to "auto suck" the water out of the tank to the algea filter below my main tank. My main concern is what happen if my return pump in my algae pail fail or when there is a power trip? The flaw of this idea is that water will continue to flow out of the tank into the algea filter and with the return pump spoilt/no power, your room will very soon see a tsunami mess of water overflowing. Finally an idea came into my mind to counter this problem. Simply drill a keyhole on the pipe 1.5" BELOW the water surface of the tank. I've attached a PDF drawing of the concept. I am yet to try this out but I believe this method will work. Any engineers out here can comment on this design? idea_for_tank.pdf
  4. a union? okie. I will go search for it tomorrow. Think I will buy a couple of Unions. Two for each of my gate valves and connector to the water outlet for easy cleaning next time.
  5. Yes I know This is because I am yet to decide on what to use as my scrubber sheet. My idea now is those plastic cross stitch plates for primary school kids. Will be dropping over to a knitting shop to ask about the cost and if possible, buy one.
  6. I am in the mist of setting up my scrubber on my 2ft x 1ft x 1.5ft tank. Bought some 3.5metres of 16mm pvc pipes at $1 per feet. (I hope this diameter is suitable) Bought some PVC "L" angle Joints at $2 each Bought 2 gate valve at $7 each. Bought a end Cap for the pipes at $1 each Bought a can of PVC glue for the piping at $3.50. Total damage approx $40 Yet to buy the lights and a suitable tub/pail and that scrubber sheet. And also yet to cut the pipe open for water flow to the scrubber sheet. Will be using gravity and vacume suction to "pull" the water out to the pail below while using my existing 2000L/hr pump to do the return. The 2 gate valves will be used to equalize the water flow in and return to the tank. As I am using much of what I have on hand and keeping costs low. Hope this DIY will work well.
  7. After spending hours reading up this thread, I am amazed by the results of this simple system. One thing pops into my head. Does this means I can start using tap water to do topups since the algae will consume most of these unwanted phosphate, and nitrate.
  8. I am interested! How do i contact you? am contactable at 93678037 (Anlun)
  9. Hi, I just sms the number and got a reply that its a wrong number.
  10. Think I will give it a few more tries before going down. The "service centre" is the sole agent office: Hausmann Marketing Aquarium 113, Neo Tiew Crescent Singapore 719099 Tel: (65) 67921318; (65) 67923695 Fax: (65) 67915983 Website: www.hausmann-aqua.com
  11. Thanks for all the inputs guys! Here's a new update. The sole agent has emailed me today. They are very polite and prompt in the email. They were suspecting that the SEIO unit is not drawing enough power supply. Upon reading this, I tried running my SEIO M620 alone but still the same problem. In the email they also suggest that I could bring the unit back to them for test and ractifications. Guess I am left with the 2nd option. I hope the M620 will not miraclously start spinning at the service centre and make me look stupid. haha ...
  12. I tried manually "jump start" the shaft by using something to turn it, only managed to make it spin after a few tries. The permanent magnet is not spinning loosely on the impeller shaft. You can feel the "spin" will "lock" and turn the shaft after rotating the magnet for 1/4 turn. I hope I am describing it correctly. Would glueing it void the warranty?
  13. Just an update, the SEIO M620 still refuse to start today. Even when I tried to make it spin, it refuses to spin. Only small humming vibration of motor spinning is felt in the head. I left the unit switched on and at times it gives out some loud cracking sound but no water flow also I've wrote to the sole distributor and awaits their reply. I hope they could assist in exchanging a working unit. Let's hope they have good customer service.
  14. OMG ... means i have to jump start it everytime?
  15. Its a new piece from the shop (2 pcs actually, because of the exchange). Ceramic not broken, inside is clean with no rust or dirt. Everything looks ok, clean, new. Is the magnet on the shaft supposed to be abit loose where you can turn it a little before u get a lock? If both pieces have the same problem and I did not mishandle them, could it be a batch problem?
  16. You mean the ventura knob? i tried max and also tried turning it off.
  17. I've bought a SEIO M620 on Monday and had problem switching it on after I off it. The rotary seems refuse to spin inside. Can feel the unit has some humming vibration when I am handling it in the water for visual inspection. Decided to give up and went back to the shop for an exchange yesterday. The exchanged unit also has the same problem. It refuse to kick start today. Don't think my power supply is faulty in any case anyone want to suggest this because I am using the same power supply for my skimmer. Does anyone has this problem with their Seio M620? Now I really wonder if the shopkeeper will believe me if I bring it back for exchange again? No mishandling on my part as I only switch it on when the whole unit is in the water.
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