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Everything posted by Beagle

  1. Hey all, got a snowflake eel recently, what do i feed it ah? i feed mysis, feed bloodworm, feed seaweed, but it never eats the food. zzzzz. i read somewhere they eat crabs, does that mean i have to buy crabs all the time to feed it?
  2. Hey there, Im interested in the goby, how old is it ah?
  3. Hey all! thinking of setting up a reef tank WITH fishes, can anot ah?
  4. zzz but i using coralife salt... no phosphate one zzz zzz ZzZZ so dirty the sand bed ... and i noticed some GRASS growing ZZZZ on the sand and tank walls zzz wad to do sian
  5. where to buy phytoplankton so i can start a culture? can use DT's phyto? and where seechi stick
  6. i blend my own food... mysis shrimp, bloodworms, brine shrimp, formula 1, and seaweed.
  7. where to buy ah? i wanna add it wif my T4 lighting... so MH and T4 at the same time lol
  8. well i killed my crabs. by cycling it lol
  9. ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZz Hey the dsb has become dirty ... i suspect it's dirt... can clean it anot? tap it and shiut fly out zz cannot siphon out either... and i am thinking of adding nice anemones... will change lighting when i got $ and y say the tank new leh? IT IS NEW lol well not yet 6 mths lah only 2 but can liao and i also wanna add live sand where to buy?
  10. lol Spongebob squarepants OOOHHHH who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS absorbant and yellow as porous is he SPONGEBOB SUQAREPANTS ... LOL
  11. the surface of my DSB is so dirty. Can change a not? Or how to clean?
  12. the greenness is nice. The coral wallpaper SUX Pretty lame.
  13. lol I feed mine with a grounded mixture of bloodworms, mysis and brine shrimp. Antibacterial food is also fed to it. BTW the mixture is refrozen b4 i feed it.
  14. lol i noe how u feel man tts y i modified it u can just buy any water hoses and to fit it into sizes bigger than it, simply put it in hot water. It'll soften it.
  15. can spot the hidden fish ? lol
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