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Everything posted by junyong84

  1. pple always fail to do that... to ethu to try everythin new!
  2. they sting other fishes and corals???
  3. i cant get the black liquid...its juz brown liquid...argh!
  4. really??? wld like to try it soon.. Xpensive product issn't
  5. y the LFS didnt teach u hw to use it... 2213... someone gotta suck in water again... most pple got hell during their first time using this canister
  6. change ur water regularly lorz.. improve water cirulation... i dun use fans or chillers... no $$$ for that..
  7. i juz age my water for a few days... my fishes seems alrite...
  8. seaweed is alrite.. the die off wun cause anything much... dead fishes...hm... ur clown missing...y u dun try to move ur LRs and find it... i do it all the time when my fishes are missing..
  9. not enuff light.... ur anemone will move here n there..
  10. whats the difference btw forumla 1 and 2??? muz feed both together???
  11. how to go to coral farm??? which mrt nearest...then wat bus to take???
  12. my common was stuck in between LRs for about an hr until i saw it. somehow...it become guai... dun attack my african anymore. thanks!
  13. superglue wun contamine the water???
  14. Hi, I haf juz added a african clown into my tank... but... my common clown juz got 'too friendly' and keep chasing this poor african around the tank... seems to me that it is attacking the afrcian... anyway to stop that from happening??? will quarentine my common into a small tank then intro it back to my tank helps???
  15. wif coraline alage... not green alage...unless u haf tangs...
  16. that salt is too expensive... might consider if the price drops!
  17. mine was suck into the pump.... totally finish!
  18. what kind of glue is safe for fishes???
  19. i wan to get snails from him too.. how to contact him???
  20. HAI!!! my anemone was killed by my pump!!! HATE MY PUMP ALOT!!!!!
  21. what kind of salt that is sold in buckets?? and good quality too???
  22. where can i get those ricodera from in sg???? nice ones.. nvm the price???
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