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Everything posted by junyong84

  1. i juz wan to look at shark eggs lar.. i didnt see any b4...
  2. 1 week 1 piece... IMO...
  3. 3 weeks and still cycling and alage bloom??? sth wrong wif ur water parameters... add a snail....
  4. wah...the first tank really look like cannot make it...
  5. what is red bamboo??? my new baby yellow tang refuse to eat anything...man,....
  6. freshwater using canister??? wah.... canister is alrite if u know how to maintain it...
  7. juz add a blue/green piece of paper behind the tank lorz... i personally dun haf no tank background... i really hope that some coralline alage would grow on the back of my tank.... not elsewhere...
  8. went there juz now...didnt see any lehz.. where issit located?
  9. yar...mine doesnt fight wif other fishes for food... very strange...
  10. i feed em wif some flakes...which i dunno what brand... and brine shrimp.. its doing well........
  11. when i fine tune it a little more, it overflows....it fine tube it down...it dun skim anything... argh!!!
  12. no skim!!! nothin at all... the air bubbles refuse to move up
  13. fishes would eventually eat when they are hungry... if u dun feed em...the turn to ur corals...hahaz... man....looks like i can't keep butterflies.... i dun 1 to risk my corals...
  14. maybe shrimp is the combination of brine and mysis...haha
  15. mine live at the bottom of my tank??? it doesnt jump...haha
  16. i dun use fans... open the windows in the evening lar... ur water would be cooler...
  17. very far meh... walkable distance btw these two lar...
  18. i wan those small little ones... if 10 big ones would be crazy!
  19. its not bad...juz that its inside the tank...and haf to replace airstone
  20. can show me pics of long nose butterfly?? and copperband???
  21. mine help to eat the shit from anemone...crazy!@
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