my made of aylic... those normal kind u wld see in LFS... with black borders around it.
No, i do not have a pic of it..
I keep the pump for future use..unless u pay a good price...
i think everything shld be present except 4 e box...
max flowrate 2500l/h, can tune to lower flowrate...
hey...e smell is not strong 1 lar..
the only thing u shld avoid is pple complaining u r spendin too much time n $ on ur tank
n of coz the floor being stinky all e time due to e salt...
hey.. guys..
i got a 1 ft freshwater tank which consists on 2 goldfish(zhu lang) and 3 common tetras..
i wish to sellin em at a cheap prize, excludin e filter n pump.
PM me if interested.